
If paranormal abilities were real wouldn't they be very easily proved?

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Most things that exist are quite easy to measure and to prove that they are real.

If paranormal things are real why isn't it a simpler matter to prove that they are?




  1. maybe if they were then they wouldn't be counted as paranormal.

  2. I agree with the first answer. I don't believe in such abilities but I'm sure I would have thought the theory of relativity was a load of bull if I were around then too! I think if it's all rubbish, they'll be able to disprove it much before they could work out a way to prove it.

  3. They're paranormal because they can't be proved or disproved, and there is evidence it does exist, however intangible. It may be unnerving to ponder, but I, for one, want the truth and not be misled by rigid thinking or fear of the unknown. The evidence I have is anecdotal, but it happened to me, and I'm not mistaken. There's a lot out there we don't yet know, but the voyage of discovery is fun. Sweet dreams.

  4. Maybe it's a load of bull or maybe they don't have a device that could measure such forces.

  5. You would certainly think so.  However, if these abilities were "weak", then perhaps they wouldn't be apparent except in a very minute degree.  That's what the believers seem to think.  In the ol' ganzfeld experiment, the best results I've seen are a 33% hit rate when chance is 25%.  This is significant enough for some, but not for me (or the scientific community either).  This amount is attributed by some to experimental inconsistency or some other source of statistical "noise" (i.e. issues with blinding or the method of randomization).  If the ability is real, then shouldn't it appear more often than that?  I think so.  But for the believers, this extra 8% is enough to cling to.

    P.S. Rumor has it Radin himself posts here under the name DR.  And contrary to what someone else said, he is not a "quantum physics scientist".  It's possible he's studied quantum physics (and I have no doubt he understands certain parts of it better than I do), but his credentials are not in quantum physics.  As stated on the bio page of his website, they are as follows:

    "I...graduated with a degree in electrical engineering...from the University of Massachusetts (Amherst), a masters in electrical engineering...from the University of Illinois (Champaign-Urbana), and then a PhD in psychology, also from the University of Illinois."

  6. i am a paranormal researcher and  truth be told not everything is so easily proven as technology advances we find it easier to measure things that were once un provable who knows  if we will find a new energy source that we can measure that is put off by paranormal activity  it may not exist at all and that's what any good paranormal researcher/investigator will say, you must keep an open mind for all possibility's paranormal may be real so look for the proof that it is until you find solid proof that it is not

  7. good question here's another.

    Do you believe in any spiritual entity? I believe in God but I can't see him but I know he's there! Or how about the wind? You can't see it but you know of its power? It affects everything it touches...You believe in Angels watching over you? I do but I cant see them! Does that mean they arent real either?

  8. I support your view point. But please be considerate, too. Can you prove your existence? Please try to do and you won't succeed. If you can, inform me.

    Likewise what is termed paranormal, can't be proved physically.

  9. The fact that they are not proved.To me,is the most compelling evidence they are not real.

      Just two examples,Astral traveling would be easy to demonstrate.With all the claims we see it's a wonder there are any secrets.Surely patriotic Astral projectors would find enemies of their people.Wouldn't they routinely find lost children?Greedy Astral speculaters would find oil and treasures.

      Ghosts and haunting's,We read here of frightening manifestations occurring daily.Stabbings,loud explosions,property damage,witnessed by family and friends.

      Why isn't it on the news?If the face of Jesus appears on toast.We hear about it,that's a big story.There are always true hauntings on the news.We never really see anything.Just people telling ghost stories to credulous news reporters.

    You're right,there is a complete lack of evidence.After years of hearing proof is coming any day now.

  10. I can only speak to one experience that I would consider not scientifically explainable. It lasted about a minute or less. I'm 57 years old (please hold the applause). So let's see...there's 1,440 minutes in a 24 hour day, and 525,600 minutes in a year. Multiplied by 57.2 is about 30,064,320. A minute isn't even a 30 millionth of my life! It wouldn't be very practical to try to live in some lab 24/7 just in case it happens again while we're all set up and ready to measure who-knows-what. Besides, I'm not interested in being a lab rat. I suppose in my case it might have to remain paranormal. Actually, I believe in phenomena, not ability per se. I certainly don't believe in "powers". I also believe that some paranormal things will be scientifically explainable some time in the future. I'm sure they'll make the scientific explanation as boring as possible. There will also be a whole lot of debunking and plenty of people will be exposed as con artists.

    Crazy world, ain't it?

  11. I would suggest that you read about the ganzfeld experiments and the works of Dean Radin, a quantum physics scientist.  There have been several experiments that have shown repeatable evidence of psi abilities.

    Note: I meant the actual work of Radin, not the wikipedia definition.  You may be surprised if you actually study what is being done in this area.

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