
If parents are strict, children likely to grow up as rebels - TRUE or FALSE?

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If parents are strict, children likely to grow up as rebels - TRUE or FALSE?




  1. They go through a rebellious stage once they get some independence. Some of them continue to be rebels.  


  2. It depends.

  3. It depends on the degree of strictness of the parents.  If by being strict they emerge as tyrants or despots, curtailing the freedom children must have to enjoy their childhood, then, the children will definitely grow up rebellious.  If, however, being strict is tempered with a bit of kindness and letting the children understand the reason for their strictness like disciplining them and punishing them if they did something bad or misbehaved, then, I think they will not rebel.  I think it is just a matter of being open to them, communicating to them.

  4. Annabelle P your answer is good. That style is well balanced. The child should always feel loved and understand their parents anger.

  5. not alwayss true.  some children grew up with gud dicipline.

  6. My parents were so strict when I was younger. I wanted to be  a rebel at that time. But I turned out to be a good girl because I realized they knew what the best thing for me

  7. It can be either.

    I say both. If the kid has freedom and parents don't mind what they do it kind of gives them the impression "I can do and say whatever I want". But the kids that have strict parents will most likely do what they are told because if they don't they would be punished (eg: grounded). Also, some kids that do have strict parents might hate the rules, or how they are treated, or their parents might be over-protected so the kid decides to be bad and break the rules because they're sick of the rules. This question is all a matter of opinion and it depends on the person. true or false, the answer is both.

  8. It may be true for General Pattons kids.  Hahaha.  Strict means different things to different people.  Again, not enough data to make a choice on that.

  9. children get there own mind

  10. I think True.

  11. if you think thats true, then why is it we have so many lame brained people running around today. it's because parents WEREN'T strict with their kids.  those who were brought up in a strict house, tend to raise their kids the same way. the problem is, there isn't enough of them.  you can be the boss in your house and let your kids know they are loved.

  12. It depends...

    so yes and no.

  13. it depends on the kids...if they are given freedom then yes because they dont know how to deal with it.. this is a philipines question so im assuming you are in the philipines. a child that comes to the US will become a rebel because kids are allowed to do more stuff here and a child raised in strict ness all thier lives wont know how to deal and will let all the repressed energy out.

    but if its a constant balanced strictness then no. the parents have to one day cross the line for the kid to rebel in that case

  14. EURT

  15. I don't know the REAL answer, I don't read statistics or anything, but all I have to say is that my parents are strict and even though I know they love me and I love them, I've promised myself that I will NOT grow up to be like them, and I will never raise my kids like they did theirs. So in my case yes, but I don't know if there is some official answer or whatever.

  16. TRUE! very much true! the more you hold onto a thing thightly... the more it will want to be free...

  17. true.

  18. Well, my parents tried to be strict but I rebelled, so they sort of gave up after a while.  I think I wore them down.

  19. idk but I know I dont want to be anything like my parents... No offence to them but they really arn't the best. But then again no one is. Like I'm trying to say is that there are better you know?

  20. TRUE.

    They say that a child is like a bird.  Hold it too loosely and it flies away.  Hold it too tight, and it dies.

    So, best would be tight with warmth and tenderness...

    ....   Wet.   Er,  am getting ahead of myself.   Reminds me of a song in "Hair" where spoiled ladies in equestrian outfits ride their horses in the park, and these hippie rebels got their own horse to ride alongside.  To taunt the ladies with the song.

    The song is "M (censored)"....

  21. I say true

    When your parents are more lenient and you have a better, closer and less strict relationship with them you feel less the need to go against their backs because you know in your mind that they trust you and you wouldn't want to disappoint them.

  22. False. The attitude of a child is acquire on her/his environment not on being strict of the parents.

  23. it depends on the childs personality. so, its true and false. You cannot be very strict. You have to let them breathe sometime. Set some limitations to them.  try not to control them. I always believe in communications is the key to everything.

  24. If a parent is over the top strict, from my experience the child happens to lean towards the rebel tenancies.  However, it works the other way too. If the parent give in too much then the child does the same.  I believe parents should give their kids enough freedom to do things, but not enough to think that they have control over you.  Its all a balancing act

  25. Most likely, true.

  26. TRUE

    One way or another, there will be rebellion. It can be anything from sneaking out to go to a party, or stay in the computer for the rest of the kids life.

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