
If parents dont want their child to get pregnant....?

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Then why dont they let them get on birth control???? I know a lot of parents who say that they will not allow their daughter to take it....I know you can go to free clinics and get free birth control...but why do these parents do this to teenage girls who go to them and trust them enough to go to them because they want on it...Maybe I am just the type that would be there for my daughters if they came up to me and told me they wanted on birth control because raising a baby is a huge just wander why some parents think its a huge sin for their daughter to take birth control when the daughters plainly tells them she is having s*x!!




  1. Far too many parents confuse what they think should happen with what is actually happening and their kids pay the price.

    When my daughter started dating at 15, I had what she thought at the time was a very embarassing talk with her. I said that I thought she was too young to have s*x and that she should wait until she was more mature and in a genuine, long term relationship BUT, that I didn't want her to get pregnant and ruin her young life either.

    We agreed that when the time came and BEFORE she was sexually active, she would be able to start taking birth control medication without any recriminations or hassles.

    We never spoke about it again until one day she asked me to take her to the doctor. She didn't need to explain and I didn't need to ask. I stayed in the waiting room, paid the doctor's bill and we had the prescription filled - I paid for that too IIRC. I don't think she actually started 'doing it' for several months after that, but I was happy in the knowledge that she was protected when she did. She also didn't need to be furtive and dishonest about her relationship as so many kids are.

    It was a real turning point in our mother/daughter relationship and oddly enough, it made it easier for me to say 'no' about some other things she wanted to do in the future. She knew that I respected her as a mature individual and that if I was saying 'no', there was probably a good reason even if she disagreed at the time.

  2. it's just a way of parents wanting to deny the fact that their daughters are having s*x, and they feel that they won't if they don't allow them to take it. my mom worries that i will end up pregnant again since i don't use any kind of birth control at the moment, but i am going to start taking the pill so i can get my period on tack and get rid of some of those nasty cramps and such. i'm 22 and i really hate i still get treated like a kid, i can't do this i can't do that, they worry about this they worry about that. but i totally understand why they worry though, espcially since i do have a four almost five year old.

  3. I think as a parent, even though you don't want to think about your child having s*x, you have to be realistic. Now a days, it doesn't matter, what morals you have instilled in your kids, or how you have raised them, they will make their own decisions. So as a parent the best thing you can do, is to be open & honest with them. Teach them about their body, s*x, drugs, relationships, the pro's & con's of waiting, and I think if your child comes to you and asks for your help/advice, even if its to ask for BC, thats better than her coming and saying I'm Pregnant. At least she is taking responsibility, for her future actions. As hard as it may be to accept.  I think parents need to really preach responsibility to their sons too! To make sure they know, what their few minutes in "heaven" can create/cause, and how it can change their life and the life of others. I am by no way trying to judge any parents for the chioces they make. As my kids are 10,8, & 6. But I will soon be facing some of these challenges & hope I can handle them appropriately.

  4. I agree 100% with you. My best friend asked to get on bc when we were in school and her mom/gma said no. She ended up getting pregnant and having a baby at 17. I am going to be open with my daughter and tell her that she can talk to me when she's ready to have s*x. I will make sure she is protected.

  5. I absolutely agree with you.

    Do these parents think that their kids won't have s*x because they don't have birth control. Nuh uh, obviously from the q's on here, s*x comes before worrying about having a baby to kids. Not all kids, but a fair few.

    Contraception doesn't mean you like your kid having s* just means you admit if they want too they will and you are just preventing pregnancy.

    I agree 100% with you. I think as the years go on, people thinking like those women will go down. I really think the generation now....growing up will have a closer bond to their kids when it comes to s*x talk and the rest of it.

  6. As soon as my daughter is at an age/maturity level where I even think it's possible she could be having s*x, she's getting on the pill.  Besides, it has other benefits like clearing up acne & regulating periods.  Why not just be safe & reassured.  I don't think it's a green light to have s*x, that's silly when people say that.  My cousin put her daughter on the pill when she was 16, even though she said she wasn't having s*x (yet).

  7. birth control pills may make a woman loose sexual drive and thus sacrificing pleasure and becoming only a sexual toy to a guy, that on the other hand may be s******g many other girls without a condom and bringing back diseases. Pregnancy is not the only thing to be avoided, and its hard to believe a teenager will be that faithful. Condom is the only choice for a couple that may not be just one for the other, as i doubt most teen couples are.

  8. its probably because they would prefer them to not have s*x at all. but the 15 year old that wants the pill is old enough to buy condoms. even if your on the pill and not with a regular partner you should be using them because you never know these days...

  9. becuase they think if they let them do it, they will have s*x with whoever and whenever they want, what they dont realize is that they will do that anyway

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