
If parliament approves the proposed EU reform treaty/Constitution,will we be forced into the euro currency ??

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If parliament approves the proposed EU reform treaty/Constitution,will we be forced into the euro currency ??




  1. No thats a different treaty - But i dont want to have the Eu constitution really. what is in it for the UK? nothing, we are only meant to fund the EU nothing more.

    also...the Euro is worthless.

  2. Bloody hope not,hope we get a referendum.

  3. No. The currency comes under different legislation.

    But I do wonder why so many English people seem scared of the Euro. It's only money.

  4. if it all comes about as the treaty reforms go . the answer is most likely to be yes.

    in the end what does it matter so long as we can spend the money and we earn the same  for the value. i prefer the pound,  but hey if it comes to it we still need to spend to live

  5. Because compared to the pound Sterling, the Euro is garbage.

    The reason the EU wants Britians pound sterling eliminated is to prop up the currency from too many little quasi socialist economic systems on the mainland.

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