
If past lives are real..?

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Okay,I am 13 going on 14 years old,and I was wondering,if past lives are really real,how come i have no recollection of mine?Some people say they remember theres,but why can't I remember mine?Or am I just a new soul in general?(I am er,was naive in the begining and learned how not to be,and I was sweet and caring as a smaller child as well).




  1. Maybe you are a new soul, maybe you are not. It is very hard to tell. I think my soul has past through many times. Some people, if you can read them closely, you can tell how many times they have been through.

    I believe that when we are sent to earth, we are given one task. That task is to complet life in a manner which our soul would like. Therefore i believe we will just keep coming back until our souls are satified in what they have learnt and attchieved in life. So stay happy and be positive living life to the full :)

  2. They are real, but not many people remember very much about them because all the memories from different lifetimes would be such a burden to us that we wouldn't be able to live in the present time. It's kind of like having a clean slate in this lifetime, so we can do the task or learn the lesson we came down to do this time around. It's fun, though, to speculate who we were in the past, and when.

    Sometimes a past-life memory can be triggered by something, in much the same way as a memory in this lifetime can be, by a sight or sound or smell or whatever. If it's a good memory, it can be a great thing. If it's a bad memory, then, oh's my belief (I have no proof, I'm just guessing) that some of the phobias that people suffer from deal with past-life traumas, like fear of snakes or spiders, or the fear of flying in an airplane.

    I can't say if you are a new soul, but my guess would be probably not, because brand new souls reincarnating for the first time have so much to learn and would be occupied with other, more basic issues such as "learn not to kill people," "don't steal things," etc. We all have to learn the basics!

    During this lifetime, recollections may come to you of past lives. I hope they are good ones! Have fun with it.

    PS -- A good source of information about how reincarnation works is

    PS -- Sorry, but that word would be "eidetic" memory, and it has nothing to do with past lives. It just means having an unusually sharp memory generally.  

  3. There is no reincarnation. You've never lived before and when you die that's the end of your story. People that tell you different don't have a clue.  

  4. I highly doubt that you are a new soul.  All children are just like you when you were little.  I am as well naive but I am not a new soul.  Unfortunetly I can remember my past life.  It did indeed give me a phobia in this life time.  I believe that everyone at least once in there life remembered there past life.  Though it may have come strangely to you and you might have thought it was your silly imagination.  So you dont remember it because you thought nothing of it after you got it.  That is probably what almost everybody does and that is why they dont remember.  Or you could have got it when you were very young and just dont remember.  Or you just might not be open minded enough.  You should do some soul searching then im sure it will come to you.  Just be patient.  Also lots of people remember there past lifes when they are older like in there 40s and up.

  5. Past lives are true, but some don't believe in it.

    Most don't remember their past it was in the past and happened long ago.

    I'm also 13. (;

  6. Any doubts I had about reincarnation were dispelled with my oldest child. He told me some amazing stories as a tot, things that he had no way of knowing. My youngest though had no memories. Children often, till they are the age of 5 or 6 do have some memories. As they get older they forget. What good would it be for us to know our past lives it could interfere with this one. Memories though do manifest in other ways though. Do you have irrational fears, meet someone for the first time and felt you knew them, picked up on a skill easily when everyone else struggles. Do you have a fascination with a certain part of history or another country? I believe our souls are the same age, but some may have not lived as many lives or it has been a wider gap between lives. You might find this interesting.

  7. if you can't remember then you ARE a new soul.  

  8. Of course! Although there are a lot of new souls around, past lives are definately real.

    I don't remember mine, not many people do. Its not often people do remember. Maybe you are a new soul, maybe you aren't. But yes, to the main question, they are defintately real, theres too much evidence to say they aren't!


  9. yes there are past lives and not everyone recollects them...sometimes it takes till a certain point in your life when things will happen such as; say you died from drowning in in dark water (like a lake) in your last life when you were 24...well when you turn 24 in this life you may develop an unexplained fear of dark may be interested in picking up some books by sylvia brown...she is an amazing psychic who believes in past lives and explains them very well in her fact i have a few of her books specifically dedicated to past lives....they are very informative and inspirational...and if you read up on her she is not just a crazy lady who claims to be psychic she actually is very credible and makes a lot of sense...good luck hun! :)

  10. I definatly believe in that because I must be being punished for something I did in another life...I didn't do it in this one.

  11. it exists, to remember every thing in this life is photographic memory,

    to remember everything in previous live is called ididic memory.

    or to draw on previous expiriences is considered ididic.

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