
If paypal account is ZERO, and an Ebay buyer files a claim against you Will paypal take you to collections????

by Guest45161  |  earlier

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Ive been an ebayer both selling and buying for quite some time now, and thankfully I have not been scammed by a fraudulent buyer yet. So let's say you sell an item, for about $200, and once the buyer pays you, you withdraw that $200 from your paypal funds to your personal checking/savings account to pay bills or whatever. So your paypal balance is now completely empty, what happens if the buyer shortly afterwards opens a claim against you the seller, and then paypal rules in the buyers favor. BUT your account funds are ZERO! So I imagine your account goes to -$200, does paypal now have the ability to do research and go after your personal banking account and then take that $200 from you there to refund back the buyer? Will that buyer then receive no money since paypal could not collect from your funds? Or lets say you forever keep your paypal account negative and dormant, will you have to worry about paypal taking you to collections, taking legal actions, pursuing several of your personal bank accounts, tax information, etc.?

Also, how far can/will paypal go to collect the $200 from you?

Thank you for you time and questions, I just want to know what happens in the event of this happening.




  1. Paypal is going to try and debit your bank account that you have on file with them.  

  2. my papal account is zero all the time when i buy somthing on ebay paypal take it out of my bank account then pay the if you sold somthing on ebay for 200$ the buyer puts the money in your paypal account you draw it out then if there was a problem and paypal had to pay the buyer back they just take it out of your bank account as they would if you was buying somthing

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