
If people are going to start adding taxes because of global warming doesn't that prove it is a tax scheme?

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If people are going to start adding taxes because of global warming doesn't that prove it is a tax scheme?




  1. Yes, but they don't even deny that taxes are behind it. They also know that this tax will not hurt them, it will hurt the middle class.

    Here is the quick breakdown of how this tax will affect the classes -

    1. Rich.  A 4000 dollar tax per year is literally PEANUTS to the wealthy elite. They will pay it without even noticing.

    2.  Middle Class.  $4000 amounts to an additional 15 to 20% tax on their AFTER TAX earnings  and will utterly destroy our economy.

    3.  Poor.  It won't affect them either.  The middle class will subsidize the poor, as they always do.  But thanks to the $4000 annual tax, the ranks of the poor will double, so the middle class even has MORE to subsidize.

  2. yeah , and if they were so concerned about there thoery they wouln't dare tax it, money is made of trees, and are they not all about saving the earth

  3. that at the end a fuc kin prewsident like bsh...comes by and drop the economy back to the BC. era...

  4. The Whole d**n thing IS A SCAM

  5. yup and with a scheme comes dumb *** excuses and lies commig from the *** of the white house

  6. No! It will only prove that you only think about money and you are always scheming to find ways not to pay and be a decent citizen.

  7. When they added taxes  to build the interstates did that prove the interstates were a tax scheme?  How about the space program and the Viet Nam War?  Tax schemes all?

  8. Do you pay taxes to fund the military, so our national interests are secure?  Is that just a tax scheme?  Or do you think if we had no military to protect us and our allies, all would be peaceful and well for you?

  9. Yes, another con to get into the pockets of working class people by some wacko group.

  10. I think the fact they want to tax society based on an unproven theory proves they are in it for tax revenue.

  11. Yes.  If global warming were REALLY a threat, the laws being passed would be bans and not taxes.  Taxes depend upon the activity being taxed to continue...

    Thus far, I've heard they're planning to tax gas/cars (to pay for government maintained vehicles like buses) and banning light bulbs of all things....I thought our electric power consumption was supposedly the biggest contributor to global warming!  I was taught the biggest energy users in the house were the devices that alter temperature (like stoves, washers/dryers, water heaters and HVAC systems)...yet they're trying to develop electric cars that draw even MORE power from the grid!  If CO2 emission reduction were the goal, wouldn't a tax on electric power make more sense?  

    If the goal were CO2 emission REDUCTION, how would someone be able to sell "carbon credits" to polluters (another tax, as soon as they set limits) for holding land that's absorbing/converting just as much CO2 as it was before global warming was an issue?  This is an accounting trick!  If I've got two checking accounts and I transfer money from one to the other to maintain a minimum balance, I still have the exact same amount of money when the two are added together!  It's simply a tax on those who produce more CO2 (a byproduct of industrial production) paid to those who don't produce anything.

    This whole thing reeks of crooked, backroom politics.

  12. No, it's a scheme to make people pay for the damage they do.  

    We have a tax on cigarettes, does that mean cigarette production is a tax scheme?  Thousands of things are taxed for economic reasons.

    But there are some closed-minded libertarians that turn everything into a conspiracy to raise taxes.

  13. We would accomplish more CO2 reduction by reducing  speed limits by 1/3rd. this could be done very soon, it'd save money.   They want to  impose a "cap & trade" system, because they're hoping that people will go along with taxing industry. Then, when the cost of EVERYTHING goes up, it will be seen as industries greed.

  14. it does, it is. you are correct. you forgot to add though that it is also a control measure. they want to control your movements and activities as well. dont let them. i cannot imagine the scope of stupidity of people who have fallen for this.  one day common sense will prevail, but lets hope its not too late for our rights and liberties.

  15. Tax scam, money scam, power grab and something for mindless twits to worry over and think that maybe it will give their life and actions meaning.

  16. Pretty much, yeah.

  17. that at the end a ******* prewsident like bsh...comes by and drop the economy back to the BC. era...

  18. Taking your question literally the answer is no. It could also mean global warming exists. Whether or not it does I cant say. I am just answering the question, not giving you information on my global warming beliefs.

  19. No.  The scientific evidence of AGW is overwhelming.  The problem of what to do about the scientific fact of AGW is a political question.  On the scientific question, scientists have the best opinion and some of the solutions.  On the political question, everyone is entitled to an opinion about how best to solve a common problem.  

    My solution is to make alternatives to fossil fuel economically competitive through research and development.  I am involved in an R&D project that will bring enough energy to market to satisfy about 3% of local demand.  The cost of production without government subsidies is significantly less than the cost of producing fossil fuel (which enjoys massive subsidies).  We could sell to consumers at half the cost of oil and still make a profit, but we run a business not a charity.  We intend instead to invest in energy intensive local industries to use our lower cost energy for competitive advantage.  This will create more local jobs, a stonger local economy, more tax revenue and less dependence on imported oil.  Both Canada and the US will benefit economically.  Make a constructive proposal and become part of the solution.  

    Politicians will always find a pretext to raise taxes.  If they don't tax you for AGW, they will tax you for looking good.  If politicians don't tax you for looking good, they will tax you for breating air.  AGW is just a scientific fact.  Don't blame AGW for your taxes, blame the politicians.

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