
If people are good only because they fear punishment and hope for a reward then we are a very sorry lot indeed?

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-albert einstein




  1. You and Albert are right on target. The blood for sin people are in very muddy waters and are looking for a way out... someone to save them

    And I think Jesus Christ would agree with you and Albert, since he was emphasizing to think of God as a loving Father, not a blood for sin deity.

    So it is the theology that is all mixed up, and not the Original message. More on my biography and a source as well that explains the whole mess.  

  2. A very brilliant man was Einstein

  3. What's funny is there is no mention of God or religion at all, though it is certainly applicable.

    This quote seems more to relate to every day life, really.

    And i do agree.

  4. Well, I would rather look at it on a case-by-case basis. Some Christians really just want Atheists to believe in Jesus so the Atheists don't go to h**l. They mean well, but I still don't agree with the fear factor.

  5. If that were true of most people I would say yes but real Christians do what is right because God has commanded us to do what's right, Heaven and h**l are not what we think about when doing His will.

  6. Maybe we should ascribe to a religion that says we should do good for the sake of doing good, or because it is the right thing to do.

    Like Judaism.

    Like Einstein.

    Tikkun Olam.

  7. Lots of Christians on here don't even believe you need to be good, as long as you have faith in Jesus that is good enough to go to heaven.

    A baby's rapist that converted to Christianity and repented is more worthy than a good, moral atheist that did charity work all his life.

    The atheist will go to h**l, the rapist will be in heaven.

    What a pathetic religion!

  8. that explains why i'm not christian

    i think that you should do good things just to do good things

    not because you are scared of what might happen if you don't

  9. When they put too much focus on it, it can get really out of balance. But if they are like a child who knows not to cross the line with their parents, keeping it in perspective, then it can be helpful and even life saving.  The perfect example is a parent telling a small child not to go near the road, because they could get hurt and even killed.  It's not so much for being bossy, but for the child's protection.

  10. i serve god not out of fear but for my love for him

  11. Yes, he is absolutely right.

    Such a person is no better than an animal who obeys out of fear of punishment or desire for reward.

  12. That is true.

    But, then, why do you try to be good?  Is it because you think there is a God in heaven, waiting to reward you? Or because you see that humans are just like you, and you feel for them?

    That is why God wants us to be kind to each other- not just because there is heaven waiting.  

  13. I do agree.

  14. God d**n right!

  15. Yes, we are a very sorry lot indeed.  But take hope the Bible says fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.  Many start the road to Heaven out of basic survival or in shear desperation.  Both can be argued as a sorry state and the bottom rung of despair.  However, we do not stay there we move forward and strive and grasp and understand.  The Disciples were mostly common people with little to no education yet they became something so much more and had to be killed to be silenced.  I do not think they died in fear but in hope, not of a reward, but in Jesus and eternal life with him.

    Now, let us look at humanity as a whole.  Are not all jobs and even order about rewards and fear?  We work and they reward us.  We do or do not do things that will get us in trouble.  This really is the way of life.  For such a smart guy Einstein could not do basic math so really does his opinion matter?

  16. Like a bunch of pigeons in a Skinner box pecking a target for bird seed.

    Think outside the box!

  17. That seems to be what people on the outside of Christianity looking in think.  That Christians only worship God out of fear and reward.

    Actually God, has already inspired our worship just for the many blessings he pours out on all of us, the universe he has created, his characteristics of love, light, power.  

    Look at it in another way.  Do you love your parents only because you fear punishment and or want money from them, or do you love your parents out of gratitude and awe?

  18. I agree with that.

    I tend to be good more often than not because i have a stupid thing called a conscience that gets on my case, eats at me, keeps me awake, and keeps reminding me of what I've done if I don't.

    All I know is the bottom line is, I have to do what I truly feel is right for ME, regardless of what religion or anything else would teach me. That includes being a good person, as best that I can. I still make mistakes, a lot of them, but I'm trying.

    EDIT: For what it's worth, I do believe it would be the atheist who would get to heaven in that case, and the pedophile would definitely burn in h**l. The bible does say "it is better that a millstone be hanged 'round your neck and you drown in the depths of the sea than hurt one of these, my little ones". (that's horribly paraphrased, but it's something like that, I believe it's in Matthew.) Ultimately, I have no say who gets into heaven or who goes to h**l.... and I think only God knows that for sure. Anyone who condemns based on a "lack of belief" is in the wrong.

  19. If that were the case ,we would indeed be a sorry lot.  Fortunately, most sane people realize that the concept of god was created by some high and mighty humans to keep the proletariat in line.  

  20. Fear is not the best motivator. "Perfect love casts out fear.  He who fears is not perfected in love" 1 John (by the apostle John)

    However the right view of rewards is actually good.

    "He who comes to godd must believe He is and HE IS A REWARDER OF THOSE WHO DILIGENTLY SEEK HIM"  Hebrews

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