
If people are really reincarnated...& people "choose" their parents..why would they choose bad parents?

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You know that not all parents are good parents..or even good people. I can see the first child choosing them..but if they're bad to their first child..why would the other kids choose them? Or why would they choose parents who live in poverty or who are criminals etc.?




  1. You may be reincarnated in to some situation so that you learn a lesson your soul needs to move on to a higher level.  Once you learn the lesson you can move on in your life and in your next incarnation. This is a hard concept to grasp for western religion trained people.  Instead of one life to get it right reincarnation gives you many chances to become a whole being, to achieve the enlightenment you need to break the cycle of having to come back.  Heaven in Buddhism is more like an energy plain where you are free of all human need and wants, where you are happy and a peace.

  2. Who says we have a choice when reincarnated?

  3. Sometimes the "child" spirit might choose to come here to "teach" their parents the way by being a good influence? Sometimes the "child" is here to "teach" the parent. Sometimes they might learn eventually in this lifetime what they are doing wrong, but sometimes they might have to do that life lesson over and over until they "learn" what it is that they have to learn. And the "child" is a so-called "old" spirit and has experienced many lifetimes and is higher on the spirit plane and has agreed to come back and "teach" them...even though it is often difficult to be such a teacher. The teacher is maybe working on higher lessons like forgiveness or universal love or patience, etc, while the student or students are learning stuff like learning how to live a better life and treat their kids better (but they might learn it late in life or even have to re-do the same lesson over and over in several lifetimes).

    Poverty...might be poor in money, but rich in love...Also maybe the souls involved might have been wealthy in other lifetimes and wanted to learn a tougher lesson of poverty and how to overcome or deal with it.

    These are just my personal ideas on this subject, but I guess it is hard to deal with difficult matter what it is..

  4. 1 big flaw in this theory: people do not get reincarnated.  When we die, we go to heaven or h**l based on if we accepted Jesus Christ as our savior.  The whole idea of recycling souls is just ridiculous, to be honest.

  5. All the answers are pretty good, but also one may need to learn something in this new life.  Personally, I don't think they get to choose. It would defeat the purpose either way.

  6. There is a gift to be learned from each person. I am one of those people who "chose" a "bad" parent....I call her a gem maker....It took me years of growth work to realize the gifts she taught me....I learned self sufficiency from her emotional absence...I learned confidence form her criticism...I learned compassion when I learned how much in pain she is from being so abrasive and mean...It is all in the perception....I am an old soul....I learn from what is put before me...I learned from my spiritual growth that is is very hard for a soul to come in and be the "bad guy" in a lifetime. My mother is very different on the "other side" ( sweet, funny etc). It requires them to sacrifice a lot to help another soul grow. We are not able to be friends in our normal life, and yet  I do not regret ever choosing her for my mother. She just is not awake now, I can see the truth and appreciate the lessons learned.

  7. hi denie, ok.. the reason for this is because when each person is reincarnated or in each life each person is supposed to learn or accomplish how to heal a particualr situation using the power of love.  so when ppl are choosing bad parents or spouses they know they are choosing such ppl. but they do it to heal that.. whenever they heal a new thing they are another step closer towards the light. so they basically do it in order to heal whatever in them attracted those type of ppl.

  8. That's a pretty skeptical question for you.The answer is obvious if you think about it.

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