
If people become immortal, would they need salvation anymore?

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Imagine if humanity came up with a way to make people immortal. Yes, I know it's not possible and all, but this is a theoretical question.

Now, science has made a drink. When you drink it, you will stop aging, and your body will be so enhanced that nothing short of the planet exploding could kill you. This drink is producible by common household materials, so anybody can get it.

Will there now be any more point in Jesus and his salvation? Obviously, if you can never die, then you never have to worry about which afterlife you are headed to, right?

What are your thoughts?




  1. The human soul is immortal. It is the breath of God.

    Yes. The human soul would need salvation. Living forever does not wipe out culpability.

  2. Only God is immortal. 1 Timothy 6:16

    All living things are dependant upon God, the Lifegiver.

  3. First this is impossible right now, it may be possible in the far far future. Anyway if it made me live for a 200-300 years but not forever I think it would be cool. Yes people would still believe in god they say god gave us the science or something.

  4. I wouldn't want to live forever.

  5. Actually, assuming we don't all kill each other, aging may be conquered within the next few centuries. We are beginning to understand a few of the mechanisms that are major contributors to human aging. As well, it is plausible that the human body may be enhanced by nanobiotechnology to withstand some pretty serious stuff (though obviously I can't give you a timetable for this since nanotechnology is just starting to get off the ground).

    What does that mean for believers? Well, nothing, really. Even assuming all this stuff comes together in an ideal fashion, the possibility of death is still very real.

  6. Yes, you would need salvation, because eventually the end of times would come, and whether you are "immortal" or not, you will be judge by God.  If you are not saved, then you can spend the rest of your immortalness in h**l.

  7.   There is a difference in being able to live forever and being immortal, only God can grant a person immortality. The angels are not immortal they can die or be destroyed. On the other hand the 144,000 that are going to rule with Jesus are granted immortality, which means they can never die by destruction in others words they are indestructible. But the angels and the people that are going to live on the earth can be destroyed if they disobey Jehovah.  

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