
If people believed in Reincarnation, do you think they would care more about not leaving such a polluted mess?

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If people knew that they were going to HAVE TO come back in another life, don't you think they'd care more about the mess they are leaving the world in?? They obviously don't care enough about the legacy they are leaving to their children. Narcissism. It's more like, let them clean up my mess. BUT, if they knew like my belief we may come back to this earth, then what would they do?

Even if you don't believe, how would you feel differently about what is going on with our Earth today if it were true?

It is so sad no one contributes as much as to other forums for ENVIRONMENT category. I am truly dissapointed in our ability to expand our minds. So stuck in the NOW and not tomorrow's world.





  2. FANTASTIC QUESTION! Which raises some very good points.  I must say I agree with everything you've said, we have all become very selfish.  I have two children and am very mindful of the legacy I am leaving for them, I recycle, save energy, always on the look out for new ways we can become greener, but there is always something else we can do.  I love eco-gadgets and this year, (I know it's a bit early!), I've decided that all my mates and family members will receive an eco-friendly gadget such as a staple-less stapler, for instance, for christmas.

  3. As a Buddhist I understand what you are saying and coming from because if people did think about stuff like that maybe they would rethink how they threat the planet go to my profile and read about how i plan to save to planet and visit

  4. ehh, maybe a few would wake up. but the majority of big polluters have the mentality of "s***w everyone and everything. I just want to feel good NOW"

    And it's funny cause everyones all like "oh the precious PRECIOUS children." guess they don't care THAT much

  5. Erm... not really! I live inThailand and most of the people do believe in reincrnation. Bangkok is a polluted mess, but I dont think most of the people here realise the affects they are causing. I think its going to take a long time to change social attitude and educate people in places like Asia about pollution. Hopefully we have enough time!

  6. No I don't think so.

  7. I believe if people did come back to earth then they would care more about how we take care of it now. Humanity has a BIG problem on hand. I have always done my part for the environment and that will never change. Yes more should be in this catagory. Glad another follower is helping to save the Earth. Go Green Y'all!

  8. No because people are simply careless and whether they came back or not wouldn't make a jot of difference. A sad fact of life i am afraid

  9. good point!

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