
If people can be Absolved & "Born Again Saved" on Earth, why cannot they be "Born Again Saved" out of "h**l"?

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  1. You should be a Mormon!

  2. Death and (Hades,h**l, sheol = The common grave of man) to Give Up the Dead

    Ecc9: 5 For the living are conscious that they will die; but as for the dead, they are conscious of nothing at all, neither do they anymore have wages, because the remembrance of them has been forgotten. 6 Also, their love and their hate and their jealousy have already perished, and they have no portion anymore to time indefinite in anything that has to be done under the sun.

    Go, eat your food with rejoicing and drink your wine with a good heart, because already the [true] God has found pleasure in your works. 8 On every occasion let your garments prove to be white, and let oil not be lacking upon your head. 9 See life with the wife whom you love all the days of your vain life that He has given you under the sun, all the days of your vanity, for that is your portion in life and in your hard work with which you are working hard under the sun. 10 All that your hand finds to do, do with your very power, for there is no work nor devising nor knowledge nor wisdom in She′ol, the place to which you are going.

    “As regards the resurrection of the dead, did you not read what was spoken to you by God?”—Matt. 22:31

    THE resurrection of the human dead during the reign of God’s kingdom—no ancient sacred book of religion teaches this but the Holy Bible. The Bible is the sacred book that was written, the first part of it mostly in Hebrew and the second part of it in the common Greek of nineteen hundred years ago. However, the first part of it was translated from Hebrew into Greek before ever the second part of the Holy Bible was written in common Greek. The Greek translation of the Hebrew Scriptures has been called the Greek Septuagint and is symbolized by the sign LXX, meaning “Seventy.” Nineteen centuries ago Greek was an international language, and thus back there a person who knew Greek could read the whole Bible. In our day the Holy Bible has been translated, as a whole or in part, into upward of 1,202 languages, most likely into your own native language. This sacred Book has the greatest circulation of all books and in the most languages. It stands out alone in its teaching of the raising of dead mankind to life in a righteous order of things during the reign of the kingdom of Almighty God.

    You, the reader, may see no need for the human dead to be resurrected, because your religion has taught you such a thing as the “immortality of the soul.” So, because the departed ones are dead only as to the human body but are alive in some invisible realm as souls or have transmigrated to another earthly body, you see no need for a resurrection. Some readers may therefore scoff at the idea of a resurrection from the dead. That is quite natural. But the Bible teaching of the resurrection of the dead has such a solid basis on which to rest that the better thing to do is to investigate honestly rather than scoff. We do not want to be like those Grecian philosophers who believed in the immortality of the human soul and to whom the Christian apostle Paul preached the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.—Acts 2:31, 32; Matt. 26:38; Isa. 53:12; Ezek. 18:4, 20.

  3. Because after you die judgement is set.

  4. h**l, Hades, & Sheol is man kinds common grave, Rom 6:7 says death pays the penalty for sin, John 5:28,29 says there is going to be a resurrection of the good and the bad. Rev 21:3,4 says no more death, Rev 20:14 says death and h**l done away with by being thrown into the lake of fire. People will not be dying, so no need for graves.

    So to answer your question " They Can"!

  5. No one is in "h**l"!

    GOD bless

  6. Because the chief requirement of salvation is FAITH

    If you're waiting to see're waiting too long

    He has already shown himself to you

  7. who knows...maybe souls that are cast into the pit of h**l actually are reborn to earthbound spirits - given another chance at rectifying the evil they have done....who knows for sure....!?

    PS) - (giigling) your first link - lol - one of my absolute favorites! ;)

  8. After the 1000 years, Christ comes back to earth and sets on the Mount of Olives. Correct? yes. OK, then the wicked are resurrected to see why they are in the position they are. They then proclaim that "God is just and true" (Remember what Paul says? Every knee shall bow, every tongue confess.) Then God withdraws from them finally and the elements of the earth break loose and destroy the wicked, since they are no longer under God's control. That is how the "fires of God out of heaven" will fall.

    NO, there is NO MORE SECOND CHANCES. This life is it. No second chance to get to heaven. In addition, the doctrine that it IS possible, is UNBIBLICAL.

  9. Satan is a reaper...not a saver.

  10. The Bible states it's determined for man "once to die...then comes judgement"

    I don't know but Jesus preached to the souls in h**l during the three days he was in the grave.

    Go figure?

  11. Because God says that once you have been JUDGED and sent to "h**l-fire" you die the SECOND DEATH.

    And you will be DEAD FOREVER !

  12. it never ceases how people who don't know the scriptures always seem to go their first.

    If I give you testimony that you have not read or seen you would still not believe.

    It would be the same as casting pearls.

  13. People who change their ways while still alive are doing so by choice just as those who never change their ways and choose to spend eternity away from God also do it by choice.  Some feel that people in h**l are no longer even aware of God's existence because they have denied Him for so long they spend eternity like that.

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