
If people can be hynoized & regressed back to former lives..what about the time in between lives?

by  |  earlier

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Have you ever heard of anyone talking under hypnosis about where they were during that time?




  1. I never thought about that...but now I am REALLY curious. I would most definatly like to know.

  2. I don't have any idea about it.

    I never! Wish I could see one.

  3. Well, during one of my regressions I actually met who I believe to be God. I had just passed over from my last life & had not even reached the Other Side yet, was on my way tho & noticed that the process was very familiar. God met me & accompanied me the rest of the way. 'He' was so happy to see me & excited & curious about the life I just left. He specifically wanted to know if I felt I had accomplished all my goals (spiritual), & it was from a standpoint of "So, do you feel you achieved what you hoped to from your (life)plan? Are you pleased with it?". I specifically noticed there was no judgment or reprimanding of any sort. Very friendly, caring & completely loving, absolutely unconditional.

    It was an amazing experience for me that I think about often, especially when I need reminding that it is totally up to me what I make of my life. It's myself, my own soul, that I need to make proud & that there is not some big scary judge who will decide for me if I accomplished what was expected or lived a worthy life. More responsibility but at the same time it's a very freeing & motivational realization.

    EDIT - I love your questions, btw. You have such an inquisitive & far thinking mind, Deenie!! Keep it up, you help make this section interesting =)

    EDIT - well that's the point I think, that we (our souls) don't need forgiveness from anyone but ourselves. Live up to our own standards of what an accomplished soul is. That we are our harshest judges.

    I feel that our soul knows what it's goals are from life to life. We make a plan before we come back, a very specific plan down to the most minute details. Our soul lets us know we're on the right track thru life by sending us little signals now & then (deja vu, 'coincidences', synchronistic, serendipitous moments, etc).

    We can choose to incarnate over & over, not only to learn more lessons but for the sheer experiences that being human provides us. If for no other reason than to learn more appreciation for the Other Side. I also think we continue to live on the O.S., I mean really live, similar to how we live life here but without the 'heaviness', gloom, sorrow, malevolence, etc. of human life & life on this plane. With that said, our souls are always discovering new things that we want to experience so we come back time & again.

    I also think that we do get to a point where we just don't want to do it anymore.

    ((note that I just tweaked the last edit a little so you may have to re-read it!))

  4. This has been studied and written about by Michael Newton.

    I have included a link below.


  5. NOW that would be an article or clip that I would like to watch.  You never hear about that time.

  6. You believe in this?  Well, if you believe in it, why not believe that time didn't exist between the lives.

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