
If people date/marry interracially, are most men victims of false accusations?

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I'm reading articles and videos and it said if black men date interracially, esp. with white women, they'll fall victim of false accusations such as rape and his life would be ruined indefinitely.

Does this happen in most cases? Because I prefer to date interracially but I never want to fall victim in this situation.

And as a whole, how often are men the victims of false accusations?




  1. Most cases of marriage...far from it.  In a few, yes.  As with any relationship.  There are also many women who sadly truly are raped by their husbands and even a few men raped by their wives.

  2. This is for can race have anything to do with false accusations?  Are you joking?  Being black in America means defending yourself from false accusations from the time you wake up to the time you go to sleep...and even in your sleep if the police come breaking down your door in the middle of the night.  That comment was proof you know NOTHING about real oppression.  Go put that silver spoon in the drawer and open your eyes.

  3. This might have been the case in the U.S. at one time, but I think those days are long past.

  4. You've asked this question many times before and never seem to get anough of the right answers.

    Let me ask this ~ once upon a time, I was robbed by a male housebreaker who stole many precious and meaningful items from me. If I have a house, is this likely to happen in most cases?

    Your dad suffered an injustice many years ago. How many women did he subsequently date without this happening?

    Stop being paranoid and get on with your life. Date who you want, and stay away from fruitcakes, you should be fine.

    Cheers :-)

  5. Uh no.

    They might get frowned upon by there race or opposite race for being a trader or what ever they use.

  6. You must live in a really racist country. Where I am it is common to marry inter race,n and no one eve thinks about it

  7. you're helping extend propaganda that says women (esp white) are false accusers. this is a sterotype of women being vindictive. rape is a serious issue and the propaganda that women make false claims is horrifying to those of us in public health and human rights.

    study sexism as much as you would study racism.

    stear clear of myths and stereotypes, they are not only  insensitive they can have horrific consequences.

  8. Reading what?  I have never read anything like that since the heyday of the Klan in the 1920's.  Perhaps you should update your reading material.

  9. Why would race have anything to do with your chances of having false accusations leveled against you?

  10. Race has nothing to do with it. White men are falsely accused of rape too.

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