
If people had rubber bumpers on their cars would therte be less accidents??

by  |  earlier

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i wonder...hmm???




  1. Full rubber bumpers if you think about it would cause more accidents if the vehicle was hit, think about it and you will see what I am talking about........................

  2. How does a difference in the material of a bumper prevent collisions?

    It's not the bumper.  It's the driver!

    Might you not be able to assume that if cars had rubber bumpers, drivers might be LESS careful and cause MORE accidents?

  3. Edward is right,   no matter the material the bumper is made of,    it won't fix   stupid!

  4. Actually, most cars already HAVE rubber bumpers.

  5. rubber baby buggy bumpers?

  6. A different material on the bumper would not make people more attentive, make them drive slower, make them stop eating and talking on the phone, and make the winter roads any less slippery.

    Please tell me you are capable of SLIGHTLY more logic and reasoning than that.

  7. People are gonna have accidents no matter what their bumpers are made of.

  8. No. Slap slap wake up.

  9. thats preposterous. the ability of a driver to avoid a collision has absolutely nothing to do with what their bumper is made out of.

    I would assume that many bumpers out there are already formed from rubber, along with several other materials.

  10. Metal bumpers / fenders are stronger and therefore offer more protection when they crumple.

    It also means that the body shops can make more money from you.

  11. Accidents are caused by people that make a mistake while driving. Rubber bumpers don't really prevent accidents! :\

  12. rubber is still a hard substance what about play doh.

  13. The government required better bumpers from '73 to '81.  These bumpers were required to withstand a 5mph impact without damage to the rest of the car.  It was a good idea to save consumers money on repairs, but absolute murder on styling.  

    I put an example below.  Look at the beautiful split bumper 70 Camaro, compared to the 74 safety bumper camaro.

    Not surprisingly most classic car shows are limited to 1972 and earlier or pre-73.  Because those mid-70's cars are so ugly they will never be classics, no matter how old.

  14. no. bumpers do not cause accidents.

  15. I was always told that there is no stupid question. I guess you just prooved that one wrong.

    As long as there are cars on the roads and humans to drive them. YES there will be accidents. Put rubber bumpers or take the bumpers away completely, there will always be accidents. Include incliment weather and you will have more accidents. New drivers that are over-confident and you will have accidents. People in a rush to get somewhere and accidents. People too slow on the highway and there will be accidents. People failing to check before changing lanes and there will be accidents. People pulling out into traffic without checking and accidents. U-turns and accidents. Unseen pedestrians and cars swerving and accidents.

  16. ever stand by and watch kids riding bumper cars? that's what would happen. maybe accidents wouldn't be as severe, but imagine that it's now ok to hit another person's car because your bumper is rubber.........

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