
If people ignorant of the Bible and its teachings don't go to h**l...?

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...then wouldn't the best thing to do is not teach the Bible to anyone ever again? None of them would go to h**l, after all.




  1. Romans 1:18-20 tells us that men can see God in creation and because of that there is no excuse and they are lost.  We must show them what is right.

  2. Jesus is the only way of escape.  God will reveal the truth of the Saviour to all.  Even if we humans fail to tell the good news.  God is fair and just and full of mercy.  So why not just throw out the Bible?  There are too many reasons to name, but a few of them would be to know God, to know Jesus, to learn more about myself and how to live, to be encouraged by the lives of great men and women of faith.

  3. But that's not true.

    Those who haven't heard, WILL be sent to h**l.

    The Bible also shows that anyone that wants the truth, WILL get it from the Lord, no matter who they are or where they are.

  4. I love you too, but I'm going to take your question seriously.

    If people want to criticise God, they are free to do so. They can go their own way in life. God does not stop them. God has stated in His word that the whole world is at enmity with Him and He has judged them to be deserving of death. But He has always, at all times, Old Testament and New, provided for salvation for those who will sue for peace on His terms. On the Day of Judgement those who refused to sue for peace will be judged by His law, and found guilty. Everyone has violated God's perfect law and deserves h**l. Yet God wants sinners to be saved from h**l and has provided the way of escape. We ignore it at our peril. Only the Bible explains this clearly. Not knowing the law is never an excuse in a Court of Law. God gave us all consciences that condemn us.

  5. But then where will the christians tell us atheists to go?

  6. It doesn't work that way, sadly. God states very clearly (Romans 1) that no one is without excuse. Even people who have never seen a Bible or heard its teaching - and there are many - still are sinful and their sin has to be paid for. God is just - in the end the scales will even out and all sin that has been committed will have been punished in one of two ways. Either Jesus will pay for it - if you ask Him to - or a person pays for it himself - we call that h**l.

    God tells us that He will get the truth to those who don't have access to a Bible. I can't tell you the number of Muslims I've met over the years who became Christians even though owning a Bible was illegal in their country. Every one of them has told me that God spoke to them in a dream. God is powerful - He is not limited by man's laws. So if a country prevents its citizens from reading a Bible (China, for example) don't worry -- God will get information to that person somehow. Pretty cool, eh?

  7. The Bible is a valuable book in terms of cultural history, moral parables, and beautiful prose/poetry.  It isn't just a religious text.

  8. That's why Christians work so hard to spread the Bad News, so that nobody on earth can escape h**l by not having been told.

  9. HAAA!!! I love you, man.

  10. Who says that people ignorant of the Bible and its teachings don't go to h**l?

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