
If people in the Middle-east hate America so much, then why do they keep moving here?

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Actually Grüß Gott!, many people are moving here from the Middle east.




  1. That's because only the fanatics are the ones that hide behind hate and not everyone in the Middle East is a fanatic.

  2. Because not EVERYONE in the middle east hates us...they come here for a different life

  3. because they want to take over the world...or come over her to have rights and raise their children...take advantage of the opportunities.

  4. I wish people would stop making all those gross generalizations. Many people from the middle east (and that includes quite a few countries) do not hate America (I assume you mean the US) and move here because of many reasons. If you want to know about specific people, then be specific.  

  5. If you study the real history of America then you will understand why some people don't like the American 'government'.. but most people from the middle east don't hate America or Ameicans, where did you get that from?  And they move for better opportunities, not because they love America. For instance, if everyone in America became impoverished, and all our rights are being limited, as with the Patriot Act, then we would be moving to Europe or UAE...

  6. I do not think people from other countries hate Americans I think they hate the American government's history of arrogance

    well-that's what I've been told by people who moved here to America a lot of them would have preferred to stay home but the living conditions weren't acceptable

  7. Infiltration.  

  8. Because they want a better way of life.

    I think the average middle eastern doesn't hate the USA.

    It's just a culture shock right?

    They're pursuing the unattainable American dream as much as any other immigrant, they come here to give themselves and their kids a better way and quality of life.

    They may grasp ahold of their culture and not let go of it that easily, they must know their reputation in the USA especially after 911.

    They're probably discriminated against to the point that they're bitter.

    If they felt accepted, safe, and felt like they belonged, they probably wouldn't be so hostile.

  9. people from the middle east coming here??? do u know how many from the middle east are coming here? do some research my friend. most muslims coming to the usa arent moving from the middle east.

    hope that helps

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