
If people into witchcraft have possession of some of your blood..can they use it to harm you?

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Is this possible? I've heard before that if they have your blood or hair they can use it to put curses on you ...or as part of voo doo dolls to hurt you. I already know the skeptics don't believe this..but is there any one who has had experience with this at all?




  1. In my studies of the paranormal, I also studied paganism.

    What I was taught is that if you know they have your blood or hair, you can detach yourself from it.  You have to do this emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.  If you do this it is no longer a part of you and is useless to them.

  2. this is 21st century,  grow up!!

  3. I don't do witchcraft, so I really have no experience, but I have always felt very strongly that witchcraft, like anything else, can only hurt you if you believe that it can. IOW, your belief is what gives it its power. I don't fear a hex from some angry witch, simply because I don't believe in that stuff. I think the feeling comes from my angels, to be honest.

    So... believe they can and you give them power. But if you don't believe, then you're fine. Not sure how you feel? Or don't trust yourself? Search your heart. Try meditating or sitting in prayer with it (if you still pray??)... you'll know. Trust your gut. <3  (look sideways--that resembles a heart. LOL)

  4. they don't have to have something as personal as blood or hair (or maybe i should say we)

    a picture, a piece of clothing, anything tied to you works. i have healed my uncle using just a thought of him (he was supposed to have been paralyzed for the rest of his life), and i've found my friend a job using a picture of him when every job he applied for turned him down immediately.

    really, the physical object is just to help the spell crafter focus on you. if they're close (emotionally) enough or familiar enough with you, they can do it just by thinking of you.

  5. If you are worried about it .. it worked !

    There are protection spells and circles to be cast

    also there are old spells for breaking spells

    and binding spells as well

  6. well yes that is true.

  7. theoretically yes...

    experience, just a bit but none with an actual physical element like blood. your blood is your life force. the thing about someone doing you harm is that there are some that fight back if cursed but i guess the truth is some ppl thrive on trouble...

  8. i think so.. not sure though

  9. You are the owner of your soul,  no one can take any thing from you that you don't give them.  Only if you give them your belief in that bull will it work.  I don't think of dark stuff and don't  waste energy worrying about it.

  10. The folklorist Sir. James Frazer called this "Sympathetic Magic," meaning that the blood or hair was "in sympathy" with the target of the spell, and could therefore be used to affect the "victim" over a distance.  Anything connected with the target of the spell can be used -- hair, nail clippings, any body fluids, articles of clothing, personal possessions, photographs, etc.  This is Frazer's Law of Sympathy.  Practitioners of magic in ancient times believed that these things were spiritually linked to the person that they came from, and that the spiritual connection present could be used to send whatever spell the practitioner willed to the target person.  

    Keep in mind that this wasn't just for cursing, harming, or manipulating another person.  Healing spells worked on the same principles.  I, personally, have used "voo doo dolls" (which I prefer to call "poppets") for healing on a number of occasions, all of which were successful.  

    Some modern practitioners see these things as mainly just ways of focusing one's concentration on the target of the spell, and they believe that good strong visualization of the target is all that is necessary for the spell to be effective.  

    Two more points to consider.  "Witchcraft" can mean a lot of different things.  There are many different -- and incompatible -- philosophies and practices that are termed "witchcraft."  One of these is the religion of Wicca.  Wiccans use spells as a means of helping others, helping themselves, and attuning to the energies of nature.  They are very much against the idea of putting curses on people, and will say so.  Now, I'm a fairly laid back Wiccan, and I understand and have studied different traditions of magic.  But, some Wiccans assume you're talking about them when they see the words "witchcraft" and "curse" in the same paragraph, and can be quite touchy about it.  You used the words correctly, but expect at least one defensive response.  Some Wiccans need to chill.

  11. As most people have told you already it is possible. If you are still being affected, I would just go to the person and ask them to stop. If you don't want to do that then there are a couple of things you can do.

    -You can meditate. While you meditate focus on making a barrier around yourself. Make the barrier so that only 'good' energy or even no energy can come through. Make sure you meditate everyday to keep up the strength of the barrier.

    - Go on google and look up ways to reverse the curse. You could find a way to reverse it so that in whatever way she's trying to hurt you would be reflected back to her.

    Good luck!

  12. We don't *have* to have it. Only a thought will do in some cases. But some people will prefer to have it because it helps them focus energy toward the recipient.

    We don't do this for curses only. We do it for healing and other sympathetic purposes also.

    Wiccans will not put a curse on people as it goes against the Wiccan Rede, but not all Witches are Wiccan. I am a Traditional Witch and we do not acknowledge any Wiccan tenets. It does not bother me at all to curse someone who harms/dishonors me or my family. We will not curse others simply because we do not like them, etc. It has to be something significant.

    The voodoo dolls you mentioned in your q are called poppets in witchcraft, and we use them in a different manner than the Vodun do.

    EDIT:  Deenie, we *do* find out if they did it and if it was on purpose or not. If not, it's forgiveable. Witches do have a concept of forgiveness. Just because we choose to defend ourselves doesn't mean we can't forgive.

  13. I won't laugh at you,that stuff is real! Mom my Sister and Myself have all made DOO-DO Dolls (voo doo dolls,we just call them that) and every time we have, they did work. Even the most outrageous things came true,or happened to whoever we did it to. They work if you have something of the person that you are going to doo-do on. It might not work immediately,but with in a few months it will.So yes they can do harm. Byee, I don't do that anymore unless it is an emergency.

  14. yes... it focuses energy and connects the witch to the person better.

    curses do not exist but witchcraft does.... because it all works with energy... it is the manipulation of the energy... which is why many think it to be a bad thing n=because  yes it can cause damage... gavin and yvonne frost book has an account of two people dying from it. but on the other hand, dont let yourself worry about it. they would probably have to know what they were doing. i have accidentally hurt two people. my temper tends to send fireballs...... and even when im not actually working a spell.

  15. I think that depends very much on just how *much* of your blood they have.

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