
If people need more electricity ! shouldnt we build more power plants?

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for transportation is there not enough Ocean water to extract hydrodgen? i think that is the case.




  1. You also failed to m,ention one of the cleanest sources of energy!

    Atomic power plants.

    If America would actually sit down and use a common ground, non profitable intelligent serve the people, instead of the few, there would be no power crises in this country!

    Why won't they do this is simply because the rich still get richer, the poor stay poorer and the middle class pays for both!

  2. Power plants are extremely expensive to build, take many years to complete, and the builders will no doubt be plagued by concerned neighbors who don't want anything polluting in their back yard. You mention dams, so I assume you live in an area where you receive hydroelectric power. Dams are very rough on the environment, so it can be increasingly hard to get a new one built. In the US, if a dam were to interfere with the life of an endangered species (a fish for example,) it would actually be against the law to construct one.

    There are several other types of power generating plants, each with their own drawbacks. The reason we don't simply run out and build as many coal-fired power plants as we can is because a.) Coal is a natural resource and there are limits to how much we'll be able to mine, b.) some areas would have to ship coal from long distances away if it's not natural to the area, raising the price significantly, and c.) They pollute. A lot. Air quality regulations are tight in most areas, and it can be extremely hard to get approval to build a coal plant somewhere with already poor air quality.

    Nuclear power is probably our best option, but again it will take years for a plant to be built, let alone the years it would take to get approved. No one will want a plant in their backyard, and there will be many people petitioning against it. They are also incredibly expensive to build.

    Many people would say that building more power plants isn't the answer to a growing demand for electricity. All power plants (with the exception of renewable sources such as wind or hydroelectric - but I already mentioned that it can be hard to build more dams in the US) rely on natural resources, which will eventually run out. The answer to our rising demand for electricity isn't to build more dams or fossil fuel reliant power plants, but to invest in renewable energy production research so we can bring it to a point where we can rely entirely on what they produce. Then we can generate enough power for everyone and know that we can continue to do so for as many years as we need.  

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