
If people really believe in God why does sin still exist?

by Guest58335  |  earlier

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Did He not say go and sin no more or was that a metaphor also? God bless everyone




  1. *throws rock*

  2. No,us christians are not perfect. i'm a christian but i've sinned today so therefore i am not perfect.

  3. Humans are imperfect and God gave us free will. We make mistakes.  

  4. Sin is a prejudice that exists in all fear-based religions. It is a concept invented to replace the simple word "wrong," to go along with the rest of fear-based religion's manufactured morality.

  5. Sin is inherent to humanity. Ever since the fall of Adam and Eve, humanity is destined to be imperfect. Only through Christ can we achieve anything even reasonably close to perfection.

    Yes, he said "Go and sin no more." I don't think that phrase was a declaration that people would not sin anymore, but it was more of a commandment to stop sinning. Obviously, not everyone follows Christ's commandments. Thus, sin still exists.

  6. "If"  indeed , - people do believe in and love God ... Sin exists because we humans make poor choices with the gift of our free will ~

  7. He did tell us to do that, but just because we believe doesn't mean it makes us automatically PERFECT.

    We're still human.

  8. You can't expect people to suddenly be perfect like God just because they become Christians can you?

  9. It is really hard to be without sin, so daily prayer asking the Holy Spirit to dwell in you will help your way of thinking and doing each day.  And asking God for forgiveness will erase the sins.  

  10. it was no metaphor, he meant it....

  11. After Adam and Eve have failed God, sin came out and conquer humanities from and until today's generation. If you believe in God with all of your heart, it doesn't really mean that you can be perfect and can never sin again for only God is perfect and we can never be. All HE ever ask from us is to Believed in His son Jesus Christ to be saved from the punishment of sin which is death in h**l and that the gift of eternal life can be ours.

    And once you are saved(for real and not just for fun) and you already have Christ in your life, I don't really think if you still want sin.

  12. You need to ask yourself "What is God?" and "What is sin?" and "What is existence?" then you'll know your answer.

    GOD = an Infinite Presence, all-Love and Wisdom, present everywhere. GOD IS ALL -- Universal Consciousness. ("We live and move and have our being in Him.")

    SIN = ignorance, lack of understanding, misguided reasoning, belief in error, relying on the senses only for reality, seeing the outside world and thinking it is the only real thing, which it is not, it is an illusion.

    EXISTENCE = living in the present and not in the past which is only a memory, nor in the future which is only a hope, but NOW, being alive in the eternal present -- that is your spiritual awareness.

    Basically 'sin' is a belief in error in our thinking or perception, not realizing that God is present everywhere for He is Infinite.

  13. because were born with a sin nature. read romans.

  14. it only exists for those who do not know how to overcome and conquered their demons - everyday is a spiritual battle that we must fight with the help of our lord -put on the armor of god daily and walk in his spirit-if u r a believer  and have accepted jesus as savior he dwells within u-and u r never alone -peace be with u

  15. People refuse to follow God and do what he says

  16. Free will and humans = sin. Even Christians aren't perfect. That verse says what he wants us to do. How would it sound if he said, Go and keep sinning, I've got your back!!!

  17. God doesn't erase sin.

    Evolution doesn't erase injustice.

    There will always be sin or injustice.  

  18. Ultimately very few people really believe in God.  When you get really sick, where do you go?  Church or to the hospital?  Do you pray to god or do you avail yourself of secular medical technology?  If you need to travel somewhere, do you pray to god to teleport you, or do you get in your car or fly on a plane?  If you read the bible it clearly says ask what you want and god will fulfill your desire.  But deep down, nobody really believes that.  People say they believe in god, but only when it suits their emotions.  Very few people would really put their beliefs on the line.  

    Plus, according to Christianity, if you ask Jesus for forgiveness, you can still get into heaven, so the Christians make it easy to sin if you can drive-thru and get penance upon demand.  It's all meaningless superstition.

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