
If people were allowed to litter, would they tire of seeing it, and reduce reuse and recycle?

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(Another way to phrase this is: "Are our land-fills just hiding the problem from sight?")




  1. i doubt it would change anything, people would just start to say, "look at the pretty colors of the garbage piles," rather than "look at the green grass".

  2. No, I remember a time before all the don't pollute and dont litter campains. It was awful and gross. People who don't care, won't ever care until it means something to them.

  3. good question

    i was in south america and we were talking about all the garbage in the larger cities

    a friend of mine said that they have the same garbage as us, we (north americans) are just better at hiding it

    i never thought of that before!

  4. sadly no they would live in their own filth

  5. No.  That would justify their laziness.

  6. How do I phrase this while remaining pristinely PC...?

    Some cultures are more sensitive to litter and trash than others.  In a homogenized country, like USA, where cultures meet, generally some groups are more inclined to litter than others and are impervious to how bad it looks to others.

    Those who are inclined to litter willy nilly are the same people who will complain that someone else isn't coming along fast enough to clean it up.

  7. Ever been to Vegas? Driving in it is disgusting. But sadly, no, I think that people would still litter.

  8. No, some people just don't care.  They would live in their own filth like slobs.

  9. Some people act like littering is allowed now.  I don't think much would change because it disgusts most people to even think of throwing trash around.  We are a civilized nation...for the most part.

  10. just hiding-hear no evil,speak no evil, see no evil-as soon as effects "them" directly-like having to walk around it than they may reduce reuse recycle

  11. Anyone else remember the 70s with garbage strewn all over the place?  People would literally just throw their trash out of the car window on the highway.  

    I don't think it made anyone reuse and recycle.

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