
If peta kills , then what "company" can I suport?...=S?

by  |  earlier

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before I knew that peta kills more animals than it saves...I suported peta and donated money to them all the time...=(

now I need another animal santuary for me to suport...this is very important for me...plz i NEED to know...=]




  1. find your local shelter and give it to them or buy them food and cleaning stuff?

  2. Food not bombs = best charity I know of, though they are not an animal sanctuary, they do provide vegan food for the homeless

  3. I've actually been watching this show on Natl Geographic about a place out in AZ that takes in animals from shelters all around the country and has a strict no kill policy. They rehab and work with all kinds of animals besides dogs too, pretty much anything that could be a house pet.

    Might be a cool place to support.

  4. how aboot your local zoo?  

  5. You have a local humane society?

  6. If this was a true question, instead of a suspicious troll sounding question, I would think you would post in the "pets" section or someplace other than politics.

    Humane society

  7. try the humane society they help animals who need homes & get them to be healthy if they are sick here is a link.

  8. Well, where are you?

    Tony La Russa's ARF might be for you, or some kind or marine animal sanctuary is another

  9. If you really want to support a group that helps animals do some research into local rescue groups.  There are dog, cat, rabbit,bird, parrot, reptile groups as well as groups that help all animals.  These groups house and care for the animals in their charge.  They use mostly their own money.  The animals are not housed in a huge building they are cared for in homes by foster parents.  You can help in many ways such as by giving money or needed products, by volunteering to help at adoptathons or by being a foster parent.  I donate money and products.  I also provide transportation for vet visits or to home visits with potential adoptive parents or to adoption events. You could be a great help to whichever group you decide to help and they need it much more than the big national groups do.

    Glad you found out about PETA and the harm they do.

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