
If polygamy were allowed in society, what benefits would it have?

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Please avoid "IDK" answers, answers that simply say "none", or answers that are dogmatic. I am interested in opinions about actual social data.




  1. polygamy was abolished is most societies a long time ago because it did not have any benefits.

    it was first established to populate the world, when there was very little people. Nowadays most cities are overpopulated and life in the coutry side or desserts is harsh or poor.

  2. If people actually took advantage of it it would jump-start the economy. Wealthy Men would have multiple wives, American laws would come into place forcing a show of care from the man to wife (aka: money), wives would spend the money on all manner of things getting money moving from one hand to another, getting taxed with each pass. States would benefit from Marriage fees and taxes. Flower shops would benefit from new business along with any other marriage related shopping.

  3. Polygamy could reduce the wasteful divorce expenses, by adding a member to the household instead of divorcing, dividing assets, and trying to start over. Two wives helping keep horny hubby happy, might prevent a lot of resentment. Picture a household with 3 wage earners! We have just invented a new financial Juggernaut. Sharing household chores 3 ways instead of 2 might make for more leisure time for all. If society would get rid of Victorian morality, a lot of improvements in life style could be made.

  4. I think polygamy was banned in "society"....because main stream religion says it is wrong.....I don't see that way of life for myself ...but others for centuries (way before Mormons came along) thought this was a normal way of life. It was a socal way of living together to get things done ...not just about breeding.

  5. It would have no benefits in mainstream American society because we are socialized to believe in monogamy. We are taught from a young age that romantic relationships should be sexually exclusive, and that anything else is somehow abnormal or immoral. Even if polygamy were to be allowed, it's likely that very few people would take advantage of it.

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