
If pregnant with twins, is it really necc. to gain at least 35 pounds? How much do you auto. lose after birth?

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I mean how much weight is actually baby weight out of that 35 pounds? Why do you have to gain so much weight?




  1. hey i am a twin and when my mother was pregnant with my brother and i she gained about 40 lbs. congratss you are very luckyy

  2. dont no!lol R u pregnent?

  3. the baby weighs about 5-10lbs. Then you have he placenta and fluid. In all about 15-20lbs.

    You rapidly lose weight though when breastfeeding and just after the birth.

    I gained 70lbs and lost it (save 10lbs) in 6 months without dieting. 70lbs is not reccomended by me or any Dr (I sure have the stretch marks to prove it!) .

  4. Absolutely!  The babies, collectively, will probably weigh between 10 and 16 pounds.  The rest of the weight is from the placenta, the uterus, b*****s, amniotic sac and mostly from increased blood volume.  A pregnant woman's blood volume increases by about 45%.  Most of this weight will drop soon after delivery, once the uterus shrinks back to size and blood volume goes back to normal. Only about 5-10 pounds of weight gained during pregnancy is in the maternal fat stores.  If you go back to eating for one, and begin exercising after the doc says it's ok, then you should have no problem loosing this weight.  

  5. When your pregnant you'll have the weight of 2 babies, 1 or 2 placentas, amniotic fluid, the extra blood volume in your body, your bigger womb and the extra weight on your b***s. 35lbs isnt alot when you're carrying 2 babies. All that weight will come off very quickly after the birth as most of it will come out at the time of the birth!! the only extra weight that might stay is on your b***s if your breatfeeding...  

  6. That isn't what you HAVE to gain, it's what is normal. As a matter of fact, I'm pregnant with twins and my doctor said the normal weight gain for me was from 35-45 lbs.

    If you are pregnant or have more questions on pregnancy I suggest going to the library and reading up on it or buying the book "what to expect while you are expecting".  

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