
If prescription charges in England were £5 and £7.10 in Scotland.. would the Scots put up with it?

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I doubt it.. but it`s actually the other way round and us English just take it like Mugs yet again.




  1. As Jock says OUR Scottish parliament are working for their people. You  seem to forget that things like the poll tax was first introduced into Scotland to see how it would do. Did you moan then. Nope.

    Jealousy is such a nasty trait.

    PS I am an adopted Scot (English born and bred) and home now.

    Independence for Scotland !

  2. Maybe we should all take our prescriptions to Wales.  It's free there.

  3. most likely not. but as they run england anway its not an issue.

  4. More to the point,if the English were all in receipt of benefits and got prescriptions paid for by Scottish taxpayers would the Scots put up with it.

    The reason Blair and Brown continue to steal from us is because we have let them.

    Make a stand,protest against the Brown government.He was failed chancellor,how the h**l has that qualified him for the PMship?

  5. the eengleesh can afford it

  6. you could move to Scotland

  7. I'd rather pay a few quid extra and live in England than live in Scotland though.

  8. I don't think they would us in England are so taken for Idiot's

  9. Even so, the majority of people don't pay for prescriptions at all.

    NHS prescriptions cost around £5billion per year, 12% of the NHS budget. It is important to recoup those costs. Something tells me you aren't really keen on paying higher taxes.

  10. Absolutely not Jimmy.

  11. The last time I got my prescription it was £6.90.  All I have to say to you is this was passed by the Scottish Government as part of their campaign to abolish all prescription charges and in so doing starting to put people first for a change rather than party politics.  For people like me that need a repeat prescription this is a welcome thing, which in the short term is going to save me a fiver every 2 months.

    I could say to you diddums that you don't have your own parliament to pass such things for you, but as I have said so often before you will have to campaign long & hard like we did in Scotland before that will happen.

    Somehow though if you did get your own parliament I doubt they'd abolish the prescription charge anyway.  

    You English don't have to be mugs, just get off your behinds & get out their & campaign for your own government.  If you don't do that then you will be regarded as mugs by everyone else.

  12. It's hardly likely to happen as long as we have an English Government run by Scotsmen!

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