
If president how do you think McCain or Obamma would react if Iran attacked Israel?

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Or what if Israel attacked Iran and Russia was promising to defend Iran?




  1. McCain would be prepared and provide a powerful and immediate response.

    Obama would ask a friend to ask a friend to ask a friend to see if they could get somebody in Iran to ask a friend to ask a friend if they could ask a friend to maybe set up a meeting.

    Obama doesn't believe in using force.  He believes if he can just get somebody to talk to him, he can make everything  better.

  2. They would both support Israel.  Anyone who says otherwise is either ill informed or a liar.

  3. Israel will never need help, that is for sure.

    But McCain would defend Israel.

    I don't know what Obamma would do.

  4. McCain would give immediate aid to Israel-----Obama is a question mark???

  5. Dont Know.   The one that reacts by saying " its Russia,Iran,and Israels problem  not ours" has my vote

  6. Obama would say Israel deserved it.

  7. I think they would both do exactly the same thing - aid Israel.  In both situations you asked about.

  8. They'd say come on, let's not be like that! Can't we all just get along?

  9. The only part of your thought that might be true is the part about Israel eventually attacking Iran to prevent Iran from developing working nukes which would seriously threaten Israel.

    Iran will not get the chance to attack Israel.

    Russia will not defend Iran.  She isn;t strong enough - YET>

  10. It's already decided in the U.S.- Israeli Pact.  That's the reason Israel is the Mideast kingpin.

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