
If price decreses then people think it's quality must be this true in food items also?

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why then indians prefer to have food from street vendors rather than restrauntseven if they have money




  1. yes in food also.

    at least in the road side we can visualise the prep ration of food  but in restraints we can not see the preparation

  2. i dont know about the indians but....

    i wouldnt go to street vendors unless it was somewhere on vacation in a peaceful place. like, in FL i would buy a hotdog from a stand but not in NYC, i guess it matters where. some places, however, people will rather get somthing from the steet- like a hotdog, becuase it is faster and smaller in proportion. of course, a sandwich a a resteraunt with a drink and fries are going to be more than a sandwich on the street: they are ushally bigger at a ressteraunt.

    i dont know: People love McDonalds Dollar menu.

  3. indians know that the kitchens of restaurants are in no better condition than that of the street vendors

  4. no.

    it also means that

    they also reduce the prices to meet the needs of the people. most of the indians buy the food items from street vendors only. becoz they sell fresh food items at cheap rates. whereas when u go to big malls they cost more and they donot maintain the quality also. the street vehndors bring fresh vegetables everyday. if they were not fresh no one will buy them so they bring fresh vegetables everyday. but in the malls they create artificial conditions or keep them in refigirators to keep them in fresh till they were sold. so most of the people prefer to buy from street vendors only.

  5. Not necessarily. It depends upon the joint. If we go to some five star hotel, naturally, they will charge more for the same thing, as they have to meet the expenses for running the hotel, while a street vendor has less expenses, so he can afford to charge less.

    Besides, it saves time too to go to some nearby joint than to some big hotel.

  6. in canada ,if there were  street vendors who provided food that was prepared to order from local fresh high quality ingrediates ,with zero carry over to the next day,our "fast food" would be out of business.

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