
If price is advertised does the company have to offer it?

by  |  earlier

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so I heard a radio ad for a local electronics shop selling a 52 inch sharp LCD TV for under $1300. when i go to the store they say that they don't offer that and that the ad did not exist. I said ok, left and told them that i would wait for the ad again. so I hear it again, it says the same thing. 52 inch, under 1300. I go to the store again. and they said the ad is wrong and we don't offer that. this time I record the ad. because this price is offered in the ad do they have to honor it?




  1. When it really comes down to it .....they don't have to do anything if they don't want. If they are running an ad saying a 52" for under $1300.00 and they don't have one.... its up to you to sue or file a complaint with the FCC.

    If you recorded the ad, I would go in and play it for the manager. See what he says ?

    Bottom line is they don't have to sell you the TV for $1300.00....They will just claim it was a mistake.

    And like I said before you would need to sue.

    Keep in mind each State has different laws on these type of things.

    If they have a radio spot that claims a TV for $1300.00 and they don't have one for that, I'd call the radio station and ask to talk to the ad's manger. Tell him they are running a bogus ad.

    Chances are you will never get the TV. So the only thing you can do is get them to change the ad by complaining to the radio station over and over again and filing complaints with the FCC.

    good luck

  2. It depends on what the exact "truth in advertising" laws are in your state. Go to your state government Web site and look for the attorney general's page, or just search for "consumer protection" to find out what the laws are.

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