
If prince charles become the next king what will they call him.?

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is it king charles the 3




  1. I read somewhere a while ago that he doesn't want to be associated with the name Charles as the previous monarchs with that name were famous for beheading people

    And jessica,  the Queen can't just decide to hand the throne to whomever she likes, it is Charle's right, he has been prepared for this job since birth

  2. Yes King Charles the t**d.

  3. He has indicated that rather than Charles III he'd rather be George VII. His full name is Charles Philip Arthur George.

    He has a choice of Regnal name, he wouldn't be the first monarch to rule using a name other than his first one.

    Jessica - The Queen doesn't choose her sucessor, it's governed by the law of succession and the only ways the throne cannot pass to Charles on her death are that he dies before her or that he renounces his right to the throne.

  4. I thought the queen denied him the crown and that William would be/is the next in line for the throne? I could also be completely wrong ...

  5. King Charles, the pussywhipped.

  6. Yes, King Charles III

  7. I think he should be called Charles the boring...

  8. The Prince Charles of Wales as heir to the British throne, has not decided what to name his "reign" title. However, it is very unlike he will be called "Charles III" since this names has already been used once in the past, by a pretender to the throne. If Prince Charles succeeds his mother as monarch and uses his first given name as his regnal name, he would become known as Charles III. However, Prince Charles has considered rejecting that style when he accedes to the throne, because of its associations with Britain's bloody past.

    The move away from Charles stems from its associations with Charles I, who was beheaded in 1649 following the English Civil War, at the start of Oliver Cromwell's short-lived republic. The executed monarch's son, Charles II, spent 18 years in exile and returned to England in 1660 but was nicknamed "The Merry Monarch" because of his string of mistresses.

    Charles III is partially associated with the Catholic Jacobite pretender, Charles Edward Stuart (called Bonnie Prince Charlie), an enduring Scottish romantic figure, who claimed the throne as that style in the 18th century. The move would not be a first - three of the past six British monarchs, Victoria, Edward VII, and George VI, chose a regnal name different from their first given name. The most discussed alternative style has been "George VII", in honour of Charles's grandfather

    Note: The Queen cannot deny or disclaim any rightful person as heir or heriess to the British throne, which is governed by the Act of Settlement of 1701. She may be Queen, however, she is not above the law. Charles may choose to abdicate in favour of Prince William, however, until that occurs, Prince Charles is heir to the throne.

  9. It would be Charles III. But he could choose to be called any of his given names. George VI nickname was Bertie for Albert yet he chose one of his names which was George.

    The queen could change the law of succession. By doing so, she might be able to choose her successor.

  10. King Charles the t**d

  11. Your majesty?  It is up to him to decide his royal name and regnal number.  He could be Henry IX.

  12. Until he actually becomes king, nobody knows for sure.  Charles III does seem a bit unlikely, because of the bad associations with the name (Charles I having been overthrown and beheaded).  His full name is Charles Philip Arthur George, and George is the only one of those that has been used since the Union of the crowns.  I consider most likely that he'll opt for George VII to show continuity with past monarchs.

  13. Charlie-come-lately

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