
If public transport is very late (behind schedule), can I legally pay less or ride for free?

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I live in Toronto, the home of streetcars - the most unreliable public transportation device still in use by man. The schedule says that they run every 5-10 minutes, but their performance is atrocious. They very often take 20 minutes, and sometimes much more. I am toying with the idea of refusing to pay the fare the next time this happens. Is there any legal ground for me to do that? After all, my taxes subsidise them and they are not delivering on the posted contract.




  1. you dont know why they are late

    perhapd they load a person in a wheelchair? or wating for

    a senior citzen to take a seat

    maybe there was a detour or there was a traffic accident

    maybe someone had a heart atttack on the bus and the driver

    had request EMS?

  2. No, there is no legal basis to do that.  The schedules they have posted are not a "contract" because you haven't signed an acceptance.  If you don't like when they come, you are free to not get on.

  3. time schedules of any public transportation and their frecuency are only approximations,bear in mind that public transportations are not the only ones using the public roads,sometimes,this vehicles gets stucked in the middle of traffic also depends on how many people there are in every bus stop from the first to the last one of the route......patience is the only answer or if you don`t want to get late then you`ll have to wake up and get the earlier bus than the one you usually take...............

  4. You're out of luck.

    It's one of those situations where "if you don't like it, don't use it".

    If public transit is unreliable, get a bicycle, walk, take a cab, buy a car, etc.  

    You think Toronto's transit system is bad? Come out to Whitby.

    I would LOVE a 20 minute wait; you miss a bus out here and you might as well start walking.

  5. It seems like a good idea, but I don't think you'll get away with it.  Just because they are late, doesn't mean that you can get a free ride.  If you have a complaint then file it with the bus authority and see what they can do about it.  I would think that the street cars have the same problems as other drivers with their cars.

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