
If "******" is a racist word then why do most black rappers pride themselves by calling each other it?

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If its such a bad word then why to black people call each other it all the time??




  1. My guess is because they think they an get away with it, just like they call white people cracker and get away with it, but the second a white person says it they get jumped.

    I don't understand why this got thumbs downed because it's the truth, not a racist opinion, I see it all the time.

  2. it doesnt mean the same thing then when a white a person calls a black person the n word. its like then calling each other brother, embracing...its hard to explain if you didnt grow up around black people...

  3. A lot of people on here seem to assume that all black people think the use of this word is acceptable but I would to point out that as a black person I think the "N" word is unacceptable no matter who says it and no matter how it is spelt. Any black person that uses the word and then complains when someone calls them it is a hypocrite.  

  4. Because black people love to steal from white people, so they decided to steal our word. We white people created it, its only right if we are the ones that use it.

  5. I agree with Cheryl B.

  6. The reason they have the "a" at the end is because most of them can't actually pronounce the "er". So much slang and poor grammar is used that they actually can't say it. It's just a bunch of hypocritical bull just like we are encouraged to say African American instead of black. If that's the case they shouldn't be allowed to call us **** like "white boy" or "cracker". If they want to be African American I should be addressed as Caucasian or Italian American.

  7. because its a word that was once used a derogatory term toward us and we have adopted it and given it a positive meaning. I dont know why white ppl cant get over that and why on Earth they should feel any particular way about it. its used by us for us it has nothin to do with any other race  

  8. They like to pretend that they have reclaimed the word.......In reality they're just dumb.

  9. first of 'black people' do not call each other that all the time, it really depends who says it, how its said and why it's said that gives it an offense. Like if I called you a white trash redneck b*stard I'm not trying to be offensive ddoesn't mean I'm not.  

  10. i dunno its just one of those things that no one can explain..

  11. They just like to throw the race card around.

    And how come YA block out ****** but not h****y?

  12. cuz they're friggin weird?

  13. Richard Prior always explained it by - if its pronounced with an 'a' at the end, it refers to brother or friend. if it ends 'er' its a form of insult. its also seen as a form of power by black people, to use a word that a 'white' man used as a form of insult. god rest his soul.

  14. just listen to what they call music

    rap is c**p without the c

  15. The origin of the word is the name of the people's form Niger --a country in Africa.  Only the do-gooders have made this word offensive.  Having said that I'm English yet wouldn't like being called European.  On my passport though it says I am even though I didn't vote to be a european.  Maybe the government are discriminating against me because I'm English?  Suppose in that context N~~~~~ could be labelled as offensive.  Hey perhaps all the rappers are citizens of Niger though somehow I doubt it.

  16. ***** please!

  17. because they themselves are black so it's not offensive, but in my opinion, I don't think ANYONE, black, white, or yellow should use such a word.

  18. they don't use 'er' on the end. they use an 'a'. It has a different meaning. I think it is stupid, but that is the true fact.

  19. It is in the dictionary,Why not?

  20. Cause they're all racist anyway?

  21. im hispanic and i call black people ******* and they dont say nothing to me

  22. It's a way of reclaiming the word and making it their own, so that when it's used as an insult it doesn't have the power it once had. And for those asking why white people aren't allowed to use it, well read your history books people.

    Personally I think it's a good idea for people to reclaim derogatory words in this way. Me and my friends have always used the words 'slag' and 's**t' and 'ho' etc in an almost affectionate way, and for us 's**t' just means 'girl who has a healthy s*x life'. So if anyone ever uses one of these words as an insult, it doesn't actually have any effect. It's worked with the word 'q***r' as well for LGBT people.

  23. Well, I suppose they like to degrade themselves.

    I guess they don't understand that it would be like white people greeting each other with "HEY, TRAILER TRASH!"

  24. black people think NlGGA is different from NlGGER. I dont think there is any difference at all. Just like they say brother as brotha, mother as motha, store as sto, more as mo............ Anything ending with er they pronounce with a. So there is no difference between NlGGER and NlGGA. Black people see it as a difference because they are used to saying it that way.  

  25. I think Cheryl B is soooo right.

  26. they arent really what i

  27. They pride themselves because they possess an understanding among themselves from that term. It was used as a derogatory term by white people to black people during the slave days, so if a black person calls another black person that, they can relate to each other, but if a white person says it to a black person, they will probably be offended because of the origins of the word.  

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