
If "THE BUTTON" Was Pressed What would you do in your "4 Minutes?

by  |  earlier

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"can I phone a friend"




  1. Be with my kids tell tem I love them and big cuddles

  2. Try to be with someone I love and jump for joy and smile as much as I could.

    I decided a long time ago that if I knew it was coming (it meaning my death) that I would make sure to enjoy my last few minutes alive.  I refuse to panic or be upset, I want to make sure that I can love those last few moments I have.

  3. Stand outside and watch.

  4. Have a f*g.

    Depressing, but I'm at work and wouldn't want to have to hang around blubbering colleagues.

    So I'd go outside and have a f*g in peace.

  5. I'd just be with my kids.

  6. hang with the family and pray

  7. Wait and pray.

  8. Pray with my family.

  9. sh*t myself.

  10. cuddle my kids  

  11. Nothing.Just sit there.

  12. Put on some Smashing Pumpkins and lay with my Wife.

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