
If "W" is forced into exile, what country would take him?

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If "W" is forced into exile, what country would take him?




  1. Well, they're fond of him in Saudi Arabia, the Prime Minister of Australia likes him, Tony Blair of the U.K. is a big fan, and Sarkozy of France is also a fan. But I'm not sure. If I had to put money on it, I'd say he'd probably choose Australia. It's more conservative than France and the U.K. and I don't think Laura Bush would want to be in Saudi Arabia because women aren't treated equal there so regardless of how much money he puts into that country and how much they give him in return, I'm willing to bet he'd pass them up for Australia any day. Then again, maybe he'll choose Iraq. After all, he is the "Great Liberator" of the Iraqi people and Iraq has made so many improvements since the invasion, lol!

  2. If there is no country to accept, "W" should certainly knock at the doors of UNHCR in any country he finds himself, except the country of his origin and/or country of his nationality.  Now you see that there is a solution to every problem.

  3. Argentina.

    After all, that's where many of the last lot who started a war of aggression and occupation ended up...

  4. Kuwait

  5. The UK

  6. Texas Ranch, since he hang out there when the government passed the report of a possible attack on the World Trade Centers. You know, the attack that crippled his popularity ratings from literally 91% to 19%

  7.'s a "Whole other country" ...remember!?

  8. I agree -- Saudi Arabia. He has many friends there. One is a Saudi prince whose name escapes me now but his nickname around the Crawford ranch is Benny Bush and he was at the recent Bush daughter wedding.

    He also once owned an oil company that was then purchased by Osama bin Laden`s half brother.

    If not Saudi Arabia then perhaps the United Arab Emirates. It will be somewhere similar to the west Texas desert he loves.

  9. more likely he could stay with one of Obama's relative's

  10. Saudi Arabia.

  11. I like "White Knight"s answer......its %100 true.  However we would take back here in Texas..........come on home George..........all those Liberals are HATERS!!!!!..... and confused....


  13. The one in your fantasy that would have him exiled. Look up delusional in the dictionary.

  14. He never would be. Just because liberals do not like him does not mean he will not be proven by history to be one of the greatest presidents ever! God bless President George W. Bush! We will miss you, sir!!!

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