
If real life had a report button...?

by  |  earlier

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and people vanished when you reported them, how long do you think it would be before the human race vanished?




  1. lol! where would they all go? and to answer your question hmm... maybe a month. but then you would alone. too sad.

  2. Too soon, my friend.

  3. I would bewilder the fates by manifesting multiple instances of myself, and soon they would realize they can not destroy the Master of the Magicians, mwah ha ha ha ha.

  4. about a week

  5. We atheists would really have to keep or heads down then or we would be gone in 60 seconds .

    * snicker * At the first answer . Kitteh lime pi !

  6. Dogs would be the first to go, right?

  7. Not long...and I must assume that the last person would have to report him or her self, but report to who? You'd have to have someone to report yourself to, would you not?

  8. 3.14 days

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