
If reincarnation were possible, wouldn't it take away from the value of life? family? and pure goodness?

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Everything that makes us human would almost be insignificant. Could you imagine?




  1. I do not think reincarnation would take away from the value of life.  

    It would make justice possible in the many situations in which people have been murdered or otherwise treated very badly.

    It  would also expand  the moral quality of a human being, who was able to directly experience a variety of circumstances through different lives.

    And it would create compassion in human beings, because, how do you know that someone you love hasn't been reincarnated in some place like the Sudan?

  2. I'm from the school that says 'live once, then judgment'. Reincarnation seems to cheapen that and make it easy for misfits to slough off.

  3. Technically, yes... Let me explain...

    Reincarnation is a punishment given to all of us until we become pure (we do only good stuff). When we reincarnate, we go one step up or down, depending on how did you live this life... We must do many lives until we become the absolute Brahman (pure) and go to a place where we feel good (nowhere).

    ...and no... Let me explain...

    You can retrieve information about your past lives by being in a hypnotic trance. A hypnotist can hypnotize you in order for you to retrieve information about your friends and all... So you won't loose the value of this life if you really treasure it...

    (sorry for my poor explanation... I am 14 and I am from Russia)

  4. Might make it a h**l of a lot easier to deal with McDonalds. Especially in the morning time.

  5. Tom E is talking about Hebrews 9:27, "It is appointed unto man once to die, and after that the Judgment."

    So this seems to be Biblical evidence that reincarnation is not true.  However, I've heard many others use the Bible to prove that it is true.  Typically, we see what we want to see, and believe what we want to believe.

    At times I wonder if it's true because of child prodigies, children born with a feeling that they are an adult, with strong tendencies toward a particular calling so young, and g*y people (who perhaps were the opposite s*x in their past life and the desires carry over).

    I think people who believe in reincarnation are basically lovers of justice.  They want a reason for why a little boy was born deaf, or a little girl was killed by walking in the street.  Life isn't fair, but reincarnation gives us a reason to think it just might be, in the long run.  

    Also, it is fascinating to think that we might have been someone else (perhaps more significant) in a past life.  But I really think it's a fantasy of the ego, and "ear candy."

    If reincarnation were possible, I don't think it would take away from the value of life, family or goodness.  I think every lifetime would be another moment of "now" that we focus on, and eventually "graduate."

    But because of Hebrews 9:27, all this just fades into fluff, because I have never seen another verse that can fully and rationally contradict this one.  Also, the Bible is a book of redemptive history.  If we could reincarnate to the point of reaching perfection, or God-consciousness, what would be the purpose of God sending Jesus to save us?

  6. i  think  reincarnaion  is  very  logical

    if  u  dont  study  well.  u  r  liable  to  flunk  that  year &  u  gt  to  repeat   that  year.u  r  given  another  chance  to  learn  well  & undo  the  mistake

    so  also  in  the  university  of  life  ,  if  u  flunk  at  lifes  lessons,  u  reincarnate  again  &  again  till  u  learn  ur  lessons!!!!!

  7. Reincarnation suggests that one's Self continues in some form through many lives, and that perhaps past lives may influence the present life in some way. Over time, through accumulated life experiences one would presumably become wiser, just as experience within a single lifetime often makes one "older but wiser."

    If this were the case, then such accumulated wisdom would probably make human relationships far more satisfying, enjoyable, and valuable, and not the other way around.

  8. It's not possible. The only thing reincarnated in this world is flatulence. It does take away from the value of life though because the gases expelled shorten the life span of anyone who is in contact, so I've heard.

  9. The thing about reincarnation is that it in itself is not a full belief of how life works. What I mean by that is, two people can believe in reincarnation but still argue on the significance of life.

    One might say, "It doesn't matter, you just get born again in a new place and do it all over."

    Another might claim that how you lived in a previous life influences how you'll live in the next. As in, karma.

    Personally, I believe in reincarnation, and still value friends and love, and try to be genuinely good. I feel that every life has a new lesson for us, and we get reincarnated to experience these different lessons. Some lessons cannot be learned in the same lifetime.

    I could pose a similar question: if reincarnation is not possible, and if heaven and h**l (or any afterlife) do not exist, wouldn't that take away the value? (I'm not implying this is your belief, btw, obviously I don't know what you think). If we just die then rot in the ground, what's the point?

    So really, your question goes beyond the basic belief in reincarnation and into various aspects of it.


  10. Do you mean that the things that you think are most important in this life like your husband and kids are just the current set which have replaced the ones in a previous life, and will be replaced again in the next one?

    So much for only marrying a virgin :-)

    I don't think reincarnation is possible so I'll content myself with worrying about this life.

  11. It is possible and it takes away nothing.  How do you imagine it would?

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