
If religion is not suppose to be in Government why do I hear "God Bless America" from the politician's ?

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and " I thank God" and "So help me God"




  1. Because this country was founded on Christian principles, but homage to Christianity is being chipped away due to our freedom of religion and speech.  

  2. Because separation of Church and State did not mean for Religion to be out of the State, but for the State to stay out of Religion.

  3. Pandering

  4. Yes, they are pandering to the ignorant majority

  5. There is nothing in the Constitution of the United States that says that religion is not supposed to be in Government.  What it does say is that Congress may make no law limiting the freedom of an individual or community, in public or private, to manifest religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship, and observance, or the freedom to change religion or to not follow any religion at all.

  6. Because they risk far more by pissing off christians than atheists.

    After all, we're the minority and have far less voting power.

  7. They shouldn't do it. But overly zealous Xians are taking over this country and politicians cave under the pressure. It is up to us reason minded types to wrangle it from them. Then this country will be what the founding fathers had in mind.  

  8. The gvt is not suppose to support a state sponsored religion or get involved too much in the affairs of religion.

    Politicians have a right to express their own personal beliefs, though.

  9. Some time after the death of the last of the apostles, religious leaders willingly began to change their views regarding themselves and the world.

    They started envisioning a “kingdom” that not only was in the world but also was a part of it. A look at how religion and politics intertwined in the Byzantine Empire—the East Roman Empire, with its capital at Byzantium (now Istanbul)—will prove instructive.

    In Revelation chapter 17, the Bible depicts the world empire of false religion stained with blood as a “great harlot who sits on many waters.” These “waters” represent ‘peoples and nations.’ (Verses 1, 15)

    The harlot is named “Babylon the Great, the mother of the harlots and of the disgusting things of the earth,” and she is “drunk with the blood of the holy ones.” (Verses 5, 6) “Babylon” is a fitting name for organized false religion, inasmuch as many of her doctrines stem from the ancient city of Babylon.

    The world empire of false religion is further pictured as riding a beast with “seven heads and ten horns . . . [which] mean ten kings.” (Verses 3, 12)  identified as the instrument entrusted with maintaining world peace, the United Nations.

    Why this union of religion and the UN so dangerous? Because “the ten horns . . . and the wild beast, these will hate the harlot and will make her devastated and naked . . . and will completely burn her with fire.” (Verse 16)

    False religion is therefore headed straight for a catastrophic collision with politics. Being denuded and her rank uncleanness revealed, she will be destroyed utterly.

  10. the bible is all through our culture and history.GOD is on our money, government is just the 2% of americans screaming seperation of church and state.

  11. They're pandering to the very vocal fundamentalist faction.  I doubt a lot of them care.  Politicians will say and do just about anything to get elected and stay in office.  

  12. First learn to comprehend what you read and then read the constitution.  No where does it say a politician nor anyone cannot be religious.  Nowhere does the constitution say anything about separation of church and state.  The only thing it says is the government cannot have a national religion that is forced on someone or anyone.

    It is ignorant to say the Constitution keeps religion from being in government.  Government cannot tell you where you have to worship.  Therefore, God Bless America is totally appropriate.

  13. to get the god fearing folk to vote for em and/or love them

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