
If renewable resources are so friendly, why do we rely on non-renewables?

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If renewable resources are so friendly, why do we rely on non-renewables?




  1. Because applying the renewable sources to many everyday tasks would be quite difficult, now that we are so used to non-renewables. Some people are unwilling to change, e.g. they want to have an actual fire, rather than place a solar panel on their roof for central heating. Also, in cars, bio-diesel is a great application, but not all cars can handle it. And you would look funny driving around with a wind turbine on the car, for example.

    But the push towards renewables should be made faster, I agree on that,

  2. because nonrenewable resources are very rare and one used gets extinguished. even though they have this disadvantage, they have 1 advantage and that is that they have a lot of use and energy and all that we really expect from a resource. so thats why we r so dependant on nonrenewable resources, example: fossil fuels, oil

  3. Habit, and the fact that we already have the common technology in place to use the non-renewable resources. Using renewables is a great idea (I'm all for it) but we have relied on, and become used to, all the non-renewables so much that a transition will take lots of united effort.

  4. Economics is the primary driving force behind the delayed adoption of renewable resources.  It just cheaper to develop power using non-renewable sources at this time.

    Its a rather short cited and policy but that the basic reason, adopting renewable has a high start up cost and it take a very long time to recuperate the costs. but it is definitely worth pursuing as the non-renewable are getting more expensive and causing damage to our ecosystems.

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