
If royalty came back into Austria would they make me the Earl or Count?

by  |  earlier

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Im direct blood from a Austrian Countess Her Name Is Mareia Scionths Cuolrtes!




  1. count

  2. neither titles follow the male line

  3. It depends if they brought that family back. I'm the same i would either be a duchess or a princess because i'm a direct descendant of Brian Barou who was the last high king of Ireland if they brought back that family.

  4. They might make you court jester...

  5. Your cartoon looks like a girl.  I don't think you'd be an Earl or a Count.  You'd probably be a Lady.

  6. Arch-Duchess of ****all.

  7. Neither, German and Austrian titles are sunject to Salic Law, i.e. they only pass down through the male line, even if it was possible you've have to be the descended from the eldest son in each generation

  8. Because a sane empire would name me as Emporer you have to get past me.

  9. They'd make you earl-viscount.

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