
If russia and georgia goto all out war,how will it pan out,are the georgians well armed.

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If russia and georgia goto all out war,how will it pan out,are the georgians well armed.




  1. Georgia has been armed and trained by america.The yanks still have a base there.They are better trained and disciplined than the drunkard russians.However it's 5 million Georgians against 141 russians so numerically they have no chance.Russia doesn't care how many of it's citizens get killed so long as they get to prove a point.

    Georgia is twice as old as russia and it's language is one of the world's oldest,but has mainly been suppressed by it's younger neighbour

  2. They're tiny, less than ten million population, and have no discernible nukes, as far as I know. It may be another tempest in a tea pot.

  3. Russia is big and have a lot of forces I think and Georgia is a small country, but they must be well armed because if they weren't they wouldn't go to war with Russia unless they were pretty confident. England went to war with Germany and it's empire and we won (with help) and we were smaller. Who know? War is unpredictable, and an unnecessary waste of life.

  4. Georgia has eventually no chances if Russkies will risk an all-out war against them. Russian army is stronger, bigger and better equipped. They simply can plow all Georgian soil with bombs.

    But Russian government is still too slow and scary to open an all-out war so I think it will be stupid bloodshed on Ossetia-Georgia border as Georgians will try to provoke Russkies and Russkies will try to keep Georgians off Ossetia.

    Yes, Georgian troops are trained by US 'consultants', but weaponry they have is 'upgraded' obsolete Soviet technology except for small part that have been shipped there by Ukraine and NATO, so again, if Russkies will dare to attack georgia, it has no chances. But, I think in case of invasion Georgia will stick to guerilla and terrorist tactics causing many problems and casualties like in Chechnya as Russkies will to benevolent to all 'civilians'.

    Anyway, if West will back up Georgia, it can lead to WW3...

  5. Georgia doesn't stand a chance without help.

  6. I think Russia would win, but it would be bloody.

  7. Georgia can give a good fight if they are willing to do what the Iraqis are doing to the US.

  8. Russia has more troops, more tanks, more planes and more nukes. What they don't have is the desire to be free, which Georgia has.

  9. Size doesn`t matter.

    Try telling that to an American. Then ask them why if size does matter how come they didn`t trounce Vietnam?

    The Americans have already started sticking their snouts in and it seems to be in favour of the Georgians. Funnily enough, there seems to be a lot of Oil in Russia. Coincidence?

  10. Ah, all the armchair warriors.

    Russia is not a "gazillion times bigger.." and besides, have you SEEN the borders they need to defend? yes they have troops, nukes etc but...

    Georgia has had open US support since 2002 - probably longer but it was kept under wraps - and is still training Georgian troops under the pretext of Iraq deployment, although the Georgians I saw in Baghdad were not allowed out of the green zone so it doesn't bode well for the US trainers!

  11. I'm sorry to say that... well... Georgia is frickin screwed if the two go to war. Russia is a gazillion times larger and more powerful than Georgia. Georgia's only chance is to RUUUNNN

  12. Well we'd never let the ruskies get away with it, the rest of us all have Georgia's back.  

  13. If Georgia can get Osama and his buddies to teach them their guerilla tactics, Russia doesn't have a chance.  

  14. how will it pan out, well i think the european allies would get together and decide and if it got to bad i think US would get involed in it b/c of dikhead Bush then it would turn into a wwIII and the draft would be back after that i could not say

  15. Lets just say before the first Russian troop has to change a clip Georgia will have resolved itself to using its own people as projectiles.  Georgia has more or less run up behind Russia and gave it a kick on the ankle, just watch how Russia forms a ring of steel and starves them into submission.

  16. Georgia would be crushed, Russia would capture the Georgian capital in days

    the Georgian military is out numbered like 10 to 1, russia has like 1 million men(not including reserves), Georgia has like 100,000(including reserves)

    Georgia has about 130 tanks compared to 150,000 russian tanks

  17. Georgias screwed but if they get help i hope they win the russians need to lose a war again.

    Polish-russo war 1918-1921

    Polish victory

  18. No... Russia will finish the war before it begins! They have a point to prove and all the foundations will have been made. It will be a 'coup' of sorts... the Georgian army is battle hardened but very under staffed have poor infrastructure, and will fold easily! It will be a matter of 'changing flags' and rounding up stragglers.

    More likely will be a step-down by the Georgian Premier, a puppet government will be installed and ultimate rule will come from the Kremlin. No-one wants bloodshed, only a few die-hard military leaders on the Georgian side... because they will be the biggest losers!

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