
If russia attacked Poland would the u.s get involved.?

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since Poland is getting a missle defense system built by the united states. That might lead to a military strike by russia.




  1. If Russia attacked Poland, every eighteen year old in the US would shortly find themselves drafted.  The US military is stretched to the maximum now.

    Hearing Bush warn Russia was a hoot.

  2. you mean like in WWII when they attacked poland yeah we did get involved.

  3. Europe and the US have mutual self defense agreements to avoid just such an attack by Russia. Attack one, it is an attack on all.

  4. By that time, I would hope that NATO and the United Nations would be fully involved and that the United States wouldn't have to make a solo stand.

  5. russia wouldnt risk picking on a country their own size in fire power like america. attacking poland would mean a counter attack from nato. edit.. the russians are going to arm their baltic navy fleet with nukes. which is something they havent done in years since the cold war was supposed to have ended nukes where usedv in japan to avoid further casualties of the allied and american troops. so why risk deploying thousands of conscripts and tanks and planes when they can just use nukes again?

  6. The NATO pact means all member nations would be part of the response, not just the U.S.    The first sign of Russian aggression, you better rush to the ATM and take out all your money and buy food and provisions.... just to avoid the mob rush when the action gets hot... just a thought.

  7. No. There isn't any oil in Poland.

  8. Yes, the U.S.A will react very harshly as it will take the case as a very big security problem!

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