
If russia is in georgia and im in south carolina should i worry?

by  |  earlier

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im worried, i hear they are bombing a place called osetia, i think that is near atlanta




  1. They won't go to SC. Your barbecue sauce is awful, so the russians won't be interested in you.  

  2. Are you...

    a) kidding

    b)honestly don't know because you're like 8 years old, and shouldn't be on this

    c)an ignorant child who knows nothing more than 5 steps outside you're front doostep

    If you picked any of the three choices you are a cliched american. go you!

    Btw... RUN FOR YOUR LIFE! BE4 you get bombed for being an idiot!

  3. Yeah, your education system is about what I expected. Don't worry, your still is safe.  

  4. US should not do anything - completely out of line of their business.

    Eat your macs, drink your cola!


  5. Actually this proves that YOU have no foreign policy experience.  You are OFF the short lists for both McCain & Obama!

    With all the prime attractions in Myrtle Beach, the Russians are bound to head North East!  Pack your bags & get out of there!


  6. not as long as Atlanta is not under siege.

  7. ever hear of soviet,georgia????

    the world is a big place there is more than one georgia in it.

    look at a world map ,find Russia or the soviet union or whatever name they are calling themselves this week and you will see georgia!!

    Georgia in the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA is not in danger from the soviets!!

    get educated,good luck!

  8. You should take a class in geography. Or, at least, buy an atlas.

  9. I think this is bayan ,and u not in US (-:

  10. Dear Mike,Why your own tv channels are so unfair bullshiting your about last actions in Georgia.

    I watched CNN, NBC ,BBC and Deutsche Welle - everywhere is bullshit.

    Georgia has attacked first on 8 of august and georgian troops have killed more than 2000 civil Osetian people.

    I switched on CNN: “ Russia invades in Georgia”

    Russian troops are saving civil people, Russia is not invader.

    I know that russian media are very often unfair also,but i believe my neighbour whose relatives called from there telling him that all what we see in russian chanells is true.

    Why your mass media are bullshiting your so hard?

    Why your army helps georgians killing civil people, equpping them with weapon?

    Why US hates Russia so much?

    Please, dont be a vegetable send it forward let people in know truth.

    Dont forget about nuces,do you need 9/11 at each single town in U.S?

  11. Yes you should worry!!!!  They just captured my house in Georgia!!! Now I'm hiding in the toilet with my laptop. Please call the police to help my.  

  12. Mike, you should be getting ready for evacuation. Communists are getting ready to send troops to south carolina as well!

  13. yea, u better get out. the russians are dominating lol

  14. YES ! !!!

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