
If saudi girls flirt with me, should i avoid them?

by  |  earlier

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i am not saying they all do, a lot of them are very conservative and very formal, but i noticed that some, especially those undergrads on scholership, tend to be a bit wild, more so then europians. im just asking if it will lead to any problems since they initiated the flirting.




  1. usually it's the guys who flirt, but why would u avoid them?

  2. ok.. are you meaning you are in USA and they are flirting with you there? Cuase is you mean you are in Saudi, my question is. How do you know its undergrads on scholarships that are flirting with you?.. You wouldnt know here under all those abayas.... hahaha!..

    So im assuming you have been wandering campuses there in USA, or some very forward minded girls came up to you and told you they were in university there in USA.. so obviously they flirted with you..

    Id say just talk to them like you would any other American citizen, people are people and want to be social.. Just respect the fact that they are saudi girls and dont go jumping into a relationship that might breach her chastity making trouble back home for her..

  3. girls are girls...anywhere on earth and at any given'll find evey type and personality you could the fact that there are saudi girls(young unsupervised undergrads running on hormones or not) initiating flirting is not it in saudi itself or abroad...

    personally, as a saudi girl, i don't like or approve these types of behavior from girls anywhere...they come out as too bold, cheap and desperate (i'm old fashioned...guys should initiate the first move) but especially from girls that are supposed to be muslim saudis...nither our faith nor our culture permits this or approves it...

    should you go for it? it's really up to you...she's a grown up...she can make her own mind, do whatever she wants to do and no one is responsible for her actions but her self...if there are consicuinces...she know about them already and took the risk on her she should be expecting and willing to handle whatever comes afterwards....

    should you worry about her family members tracking you down and giving you some of what she'll probably be getting? depends on her family really, where you are at the time as well as how far did you two go (if she's pregnant...God help you both)....they wont come after you and beat you up...but if she's pregnant and they want to "fix" the situation they might discuss least so the baby would be born to married parents (religiously and legally)...there are too many possibilities really, depends as i said on the situation and the girls family...

    does it really matter to the girls family who initiated the flirting? personally, yes it would. however i did discuss a similar topic once with a group of friends and most actually said that no it wouldn't, who and your luck

  4. ......lolz....good for means you're a hot pretty guy to be flirted by saudi girls......

  5. It depends on where you are at, but regardless of your location, you should be respectful, and you should probably flirt back.

  6. Rest assured non will materialize..flirt as u wish

  7. Saudi is like any other country you'll find different kinds of people, they are kinda more religious though.

    And you need to know an important fact: Almost all of saudi single girls that never been married are virgins and should remain virgins untill they get married and they'll do all what it takes to protect themselves from what they call a scandal, regardless that s*x is prohibited for unmarried couples in islam which is their religion.

    I don't know if you should avoid her or not, that's up 2..

  8. Only if you think you will get caught.  They flirt with me all the time, including married women and I flirt right back and sometimes go to there place

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