
If science is so great and factual why can't it answer this question?

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Exactly when (within a hundred years) did a bunch of gases and chemicals lying about decide to mix and create a life? And, exactly when (within a hundred years) did these beings decide to walk out of the ocean?

Evolution is fine to teach however, life had to be created at one point in time. Who did it?




  1. nobody has that answer

    not science, not religion

  2. Science doesn't pretend to have an answer to every question.  

    But if you don't believe science has any answers, you must be very confused by that box you're typing on.  You must also be baffled by those injections you get that ward off polio and measles.  And I can't imagine your confusion about nuclear power.

  3. Evolution and the creation of life are completely unrelated.

    As a catholic I believe God created the world and used evolution to perfect it.  If evangelicals can't believe both God and science it shows a remarkable lack of faith.

  4. There are various abiogenesis models and it is a fairly new study beginning with the Miller-Urey experiments in 1953.  The PAH world hypothesis and The Deep Sea Vent are also promising.

    You are correct that abiogenesis has not been proven.  Scientists are still working on confirming a model.   Science deals with the natural world and natural explanations. Science cannot explain everything--there are plenty of unknowns in the universe.  They are being factual and honest by not saying "god did it".

    There are two possible explanation on where and how life originated:

    1.  A natural explanation, which is currently unknown

    2. "God did it".

    Science deals with #1, not #2.

  5. That's the whole freaking point of evolution, it doesn't just happen overnight.

    Nobody needs to "do it" if it takes millions of years.

  6. Evolution does not deny that--it just claims that it took several billion years to get where we are now (and not 6,000 years, like the Creationists argue)

  7. Evolution and the origin of life are not opposing views nor are they mutually exclusive.

    Evolution is about changes in species, not the original origin of life itself.

    Despite the evidence, one must remember that evolution is a theory - a pretty sound one, but a theory none the less.

    With all due respect for peoples' core beliefs, Is it too far a stretch to say that religion is also a theory - a theory that answers questions that science can't?

  8. Yeah. What is the catalyst? There has to be a spark, right? What started the "big bang"?

    What annoys me is the smugness with which atheists put forward their beliefs as though they were fact. Arrogant jackasses.

  9. if you don't like science then leave it behind, pack your **** and head for wilderness

    personally i think it's great - i like things that hard working scientists bring me - computers, light bulbs, automobiles, modern medicine, ect.

  10. Trying to recreate what happened 4 billion years ago???? The freaking politicians are trying to figure out what they said last week.

    That question will never be solved unless the "thing" that did shows its little genius face. Then we can slap it for making Liberals!!!

  11. Evolution has several flaws. it says that all humanoids came from a common ancestor. genetics operates by isolating certain genetic traits and breeding for those traits and ultimately establishing a species. therefore, that common ancestor had to have all the genetic traits of all the variants meaning it was more complex than any individual species. beyond that mammals all have a common ancestor meaning that ancestor would have had to have had all the traits of all the subclasses. and so on to the original life form that had all the traits of all the creatures. Science has readily demonstrated this deductive process but has never documented a single event of any species adding to their genetic code. It is like saying because I travel forward through time I must obviously be able to travel backwards as well, then creating an entire cult around that premise.

    It also, doesn't explain why Aardvarks have no cousins or why squid & octopi have blue blood while every creature has red blood. Their jargon even is whacked. they claim the changes came out of necessary to change and a decision was made yet say their was no decision maker. furthermore, we are in a time of climatic change where species are going extinct but no new species are evolving, surely necessity would dictate a need for change to provide for survival yet it's not happening.

    The biggest flaw of science is it's arrogance in that it contends that everything can be explained and has no methodology to acknowledge that the answer is beyond our ability for our brain to comprehend.  

  12. I always liked the speed of light answer.

    Does light have mass? Science, well yes and no.

  13. Science is based upon theory, observations and experimentation; it is not exact. Unfortunately, there are no living scientists around today who observed the events you query.

    However, there are a lot of theories.

  14. Silly premise.  I could have asked, in 1902, "if man was intended to fly, why hasn't he done so?"  You surmise that since our CURRENT knowledge cannot answer a narrow question, then the concept of evolution must be wrong.  Who is to say that science will not answer your question next year?  In 10 years?  or 1000 years?  Should we stop research now?  That's it, we have learned all there is to learn?

    You know, at one time the church KILLED people for translating the bible into common languages.  Are you suggesting we stop education and learning to protect the fantasy of religion?  And why is eveolution and religion mutually exclusive?  If a God could create life and I God could create man, capable of changing the world the God created, why couldn;t the same God create evolution?  Certainly you cannot deny evolution exists, we can see it happening within a single human lifetime.

    If you are secure in your faith and belief in creation, then have no fear, all the additional study in the world will only reinforce your beliefs.  If you are insecure about it, maybe you should do some study and answer the question yourself

  15. Your troll is not clever, it is pathetically ignorant and self serving.  It is also painfully obvious that you have neither the ability nor the intent to actually learn anything.

    The invention of writing, agriculture, and religion are indisputably the works of man, and thousands of times more recent - yet nobody can pinpoint the origin of these either.

  16. this has nothing to do with evolution, dummy

  17. Define life? your question is not scientific in nature but rhetorical thus can not be answered. (within a hundred years) ? I doubt you can guess how many year the hundered years war lasted within 5 years, when dealing millions and billions of years 100 is like a nano second.

    Evolution is fine to teach however, life had to be created at one point in time. Who did it?

    It was Teusday at 3:00 am all the bars were closed nothing else to do so....what the h**l Create a little life...who done it? it was the butler in the study with a candle stick

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