
If scientific theories cannot be proven, but only disproven...?

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why can you not say that the idea of God constitutes a strong theory since it cannot be disproven?

How can you say a theory must be possible to disprove, if the theory is supposed to be disprovable?

I'm just a little confused.




  1. The scientific method works with falsifiable theories and requires reproducible results.

    To qualify as a theory it must make predictions that can be tested. If it fails the test then the theory has been shown to be false, or at least unreliable. If it passes then it worked this time, but may still fail under some circumstances. If it passes every time you check under many different conditions you start feeling pretty confident about the theory, but all we need is some counter-evidence and the theory needs to be modified.

    It's hard to see exactly how you apply theorems, predictions, and falsification to God. I can see how theories about the specific nature and effects of faith or praying could be made and tested, but I don't see how any result can decisively show that God exists or that God doesn't exist. No matter what result you come up with, you can always assume that God exists and wants the results to come up that way - even if the results would seem to indicate God does not exist.

    God is a powerful concept not because of logic, theories, and proof, but because something fundamental and internal to all humans strives to understand God, to know if God exists, and to have a relationship with God. Every culture has been influenced by it's understanding of the divine, of God and our relationship to him/her/it/them.

  2. 1st answer = because there is no God.

    2nd answer= There can never be "proof" in science, just massive amounts of evidence. That's how people can still doubt the theory of evolution (because it's JUST a theory). Dumb.

    God has no place in science.

  3. Which God? Zeus? Odin? Ammon Ra? Can you disprove any of them?

    The point of a scientific theory is to posit an idea which can, in theory, be disproven but withstands repeated testing. Your concept of God cannot ever be disproven. Therefore, it is faith, rather than a theory.

  4. the definition of faith is "belief that is not based on proof"

    it is interesting, but ultimately pointless, to try to apply scientific principle to your faith.  This is one of the reasons that so many scientists struggle with their religious faith.  It is possible to be both a Christian (or Jew or Muslim) and still be a scientist, but it is difficult two reconcile the two ideas.

    as for your second question, we may not be able to disprove a theory now, but someone may be able to at a later date using new information or methods.  Scientists use something called PNE (proof of negative evidence) to support their theories.  You should read up on it.

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