
If scientists can prove fossils were caused by floods, why do they reject the great global flood?

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  1. Fossils aren't "caused" by floods.  Most fossils are found in rocks of marine origin (simply because that's where the dying organisms stood best chance of preservation or fossilization), so the question is kind of non-sensical.

    That said, there are records of floods in the geological record, some localized and some probably of regional or even global extent.  There are countless examples of these in the geological record, spanning many millenia, which are are quite clearly seen in the rocks, for those who know what to look for.  The causes vary from local to planet-wide climate events, as well as other geological processes (tectonics, regional subsidence).

    Deposits arising from floods and other catastrophic events invariably contain their own unique assemblages of fossils of one sort or another - typically characterized by mass extinctions or so-called "death assemblages", chaotically and often poorly-preserved, as opposed to "live assemblages caused by death and fossilization under more steady or passive conditions.  Again, these differences are easily observed by trained geologists.

    The bottom line is that there is no one single flood event.  There is ample evidence of countless flooding events over many, many millions of years of geological time.  

    OK - a really simple example. London is underlain by a deposit called the "London Clay", deposited during the Eocene period some 40 million years ago during a really hot period in the Earth's climate.  The polar ice-caps melted, and the sea rose, flooding the entire Thames valley.  You can find fossils of tropical animals (like crocs, etc) as well as fossil mangrove seeds in the London Clay.  Beneath the London Clay exists the Cretaceous chalk, a thick deposit of limestone dating back some 60 million years, resulting from prolonged high sea levels and a warm climate.  The chalk is stuffed full of marine fossils.  It looks like a uniform white deposit, but when you look at it in detail, there are innumerable hard layers ("hardgrounds") which are encrusted or burrowed into by organisms living on the sea floor; each layer resulting from sea-level fluctuations.

    So there has never been one single "great global flood".

  2. Anyone can set up a website, call themselves a scientist and publish "facts".

  3. think you should read the answers to your previous question on this

    edit - and answerer below, NO scientists choose to reject "the flood" story because there is NO evidence it happened

  4. The fact that fossils are displaced is more proof of plate tectonics than a global flood.

  5. Because most scientists fear that, if they accepted a great global flood, then they would be accused of believing in the Bible and the story of the Ark, and that scares them spitless.

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