
If scotland becomes independant

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will scottish people not be able to work/live in england without a visa? what if you are a scottish person living in london, if they came independent would you be able to get back into your country without a passport?




  1. Simple answer - yes.

  2. The Scots have thought it funny (since the 1970s) to collect money for charity from any English (Sassenack) person crossing the border into Scotland in lieu of a passport.  

    Of course I thought it hysterical.  (Not!)

    England would be a very wealth country if we did the same.

    But to answer your question - no I don't think we would bother with passports.  After all, the Irish are still welcome without one (I think).

  3. Scottish independance is a very bad idea.  Unfortunately that nevers stops politians from doing dumb things to get reelected.

  4. The Irish don't need a passport or a visa to enter England, so I don't believe the Scots would need one either, if Scotland became independent.

    Also Irish born nationals are eligible to join the RAF, RAN, and the British Army, the same would probably hold true for Scots.    

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