
If sects in Islam are haram, then why do they exist?

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I am Muslim myself of 2 years, but I do not categorize myself in any particular group




  1. And that my sister is the mentality all Muslims should have. I have never in my life categorized myself and I was raised a MUSLIM period. A lot of people are making up things and are arguing over who said what and it is just embarrassing. The Quran clearly states that we are all Muslim brothers and sisters and that we should not form sects. After all the Prophet (pbuh) has done and sacrificed for us all this is the consequence and it is shameful.

  2. i wish i knew.. but exclusivity seems to be a human trait

    and hanging onto differences, whether large or small, to the point of separating each other in the face of a world gone mad with crises, is a mark of ignorance

    unfortuantely, it's a never ending cycle

    and i find it easier not to belong to any one group..

    want to live a humble muslim life? read the quran, understand it, follow the basic teachings of the prophet, one of which was tolerance to all.

  3. The Holy Quran, Surah (The Family of Imran.) 3 verse 105- 106

    105. Be not like those

    Who are divided

    Amongst themselves

    And fall into disputations

    After receiving

    Clear Signs:

    For them

    Is a dreadful penalty-

    106. On the Day when

    Some faces will be (lit up

    With) white, and some faces

    Will be (in the gloom of) black:

    To those whose faces

    Will be black, (will be said):

    "Did ye reject Faith

    After accepting it?

    Taste then the Penalty

    For rejecting Faith."

  4. Muhammad already predicted sects in Islam, I believe he said 9

    And that only one of them in the end days will practice Islam the way he had practiced it and the way Allah wants us to.

    I agree I don't think Islam should have sects, it only calls for unnecessary arguments or even wars in Iraq.  

  5. Muslims were united as long as they held fast to the Khalifa appointed by Allah.  However, after the passing of the Prophet (sa), Muslims eventually became disunited and let go of Khilafat.  

    This is exactly why the Prophet (sa) said that Imam Mahdi and Messih would come, to re establish unity and Khilafat among Muslims.  Those Muslims who have accepted Imam Mahdi and Messih (Hazrat Ahmad (as)), are united across every country of the world by one Khalifa.

    Tens of Millions of Muslims are united by one Khalifa just as the early Muslims were united by a Khalifa.

    Alhumdolillah, slowly but surely the Ummah is being reunited as one ummah through the love and leadership of a Khalifa.

    love for all, hatred for none

  6. dear, diseases are bad but they r there.

    do not fall into sects, follow Islam alone... infact its good that u didn't fall into any sect as yet :)

  7. God casts astray whomever he wants.  

  8. there are Deviant sects who astray away from Islam !!

    simple Islam = Quran+Sunnah (following the prophet)

    the prophet said i will let too things between you if you followed them you won't astray the way

    Quran and my sunnah !

    so these deviant sects don't follow those both !!

    you can see the minority deviant sects like shias ahamadis sufis khwarjis etc

    read that...

    IMPORTANT : Here Are Some Deviant Sects

    These Sects Have Deviated From Pure Islaam The True Quraan And Sunnah The Real Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jama'ah

    The Raafidah(SHIAS): They are the ones who go to the extremes with regard to the members of the household (Ahulul Bait). They declare the Companions that opposed them as being disbelievers or they accuse them of evil (Fisq). They divided into many sects, among which are extremists, who claim that Alee is god, and among which are other than them. Their innovation first appeared during the Khilaafah of Alee Ibn Abee Taalib when Abdullaah Ibn Saba' Said to him:" You are God." Due to this 'Alee commanded that they be set on fire. However, their leader, 'Abdullah Ibn Saba', escaped to another city.

    They hold Various views on the Attributes of Allaah, so among them are those that perform tashbeeh, those who perform ta'teel and those who are in comformity (the the correct view on the Attributes of Allaah). They are called Raafidah because they rejected (rafd) Zayd Ibn 'Alee Ibn Al- Husayn Ibn 'Alee Ibn Abee Taalib, when they asked him about Abu Bakr and 'Umar (Radiya Allahu 'An Huma) and he responded saying "Rahimahullah" for both of them.

    So they rejected him and distanced themselves from him. And they named themselves Shee'ah because of their claim and notion that they are taking sides (tashayu') with Ahlul Bait and they support them and that they are reclaiming their right to Imamate.

    The Jahmiyyah: They attribute themselves to Al Jahm Ibn Safwaan who was killed by Saalim or Salim Ibn Ahwaz in the year 121H. Their views on the Attributes of Allaah consist of ta'teel (denial) and nafee (negation). Regarding Al-Qadar (Divine Pre-Decree), they hold the opinion that mankind us coerced to do deeds (al-jabr).

    Their views on Eemaan is that of irjaa, which means that they believe Eemaan is merely the confirmation of the heart, and that statements and actions are not part of Eemaan. So according to them, someone who commits a major sin is a believer with complete Eemaan ( i.e Eemaan Does not increase or decrease). So they are Mu'atazilah, Jabariyyah and Murji'ah all in one they are divided into many sects.

    The Khawaarij: They are the ones who set out to kill Alee Ibn Abee Taalib (Radiya Allahu Anhu) do to his leadership. their methodology consists of absolving themselves from Uthmaan and 'Alee (Radiya Allahu Anhuma), setting out against the Imaam if he opposes the Sunnah and declaring disbelief on those who commit a major sin. They believe that this type of person will remain in the Hellfire forever. They are divided into numerous groups.

    The Qadariyyah: Their methodology consists negating Al-Qadar from the actions of the servant and that his desire and ability are independent from the Desire and Ability of Allaah. The first to manifest this view openly was Mabad ibn al-Juhanee, in the last part of the era of the Sahaabah. He learned it from a Majoosee man from Al -Basrah.

    They are divided into two groups, one is extreme and one that is not extreme. The extremist group rejects the Attributes of Knowledge, Desire, Ability and Creating from Allaah in favor of the actions of the servant. However, they reject its occurring by His Desire, Ability and Creating. This is what their belief is founded upon.

    The Murji'ah: They believe that actions are deferred from Eemaan. Thus actions, according to them, are not part of it. Eemaan Is simply the complying of the heart. So the sinner, according to them, is a believer with complete Eemaan, even if he does what what he does from the disobedient acts or he abandons what he abandons from the obedient acts. And if we ruled that someone who abandons one of the commandments of the Religion is a disbeliever, then that would be due to the lack of his heart complying not due to his abandonment of that deed. These are the views of Jahmiyyah. And it, along in comparison with the views of the Khawaarij, are the two opposite extremities.

    The Mu'tazilah: They are the followers of Waasil Ibn Ataa', Who withdrew from the gathering of Al-Hasan Al- Basree. He determined that the sinner is a level between two levels. Thus, he is neither a believer nor a disbeliever, yet he will reside eternally in the Hellfire. 'Amr Ibn 'Ubayd followed him in that and their views concering the Attributes of Allaah are based on ta'teel, like the Jahmiyyah, and concerning Al-Qadar, like that of the Qadriyyah.

    They reject the relation of the Qadaa Wa Al-Qadar of Allaah to the actions of the servant. in regards to the one who commits a major sin, they hold that he will remain in the Hellfire forever and that he is extracted from the fold of Eemaan into the level between to levels of belief and disbelief. So they oppose the views of the Jahmiyyahin regards to these two principles.

    The Karaamiyyah: They are the followers of Muhammad Ibn Karaam, who died in 225H. They incline towards tashbeeh and hold the belief of Irjaa. They are further divided into numerous groups.

    The Saalimah: They are the followers of man who was called Ibn Saalim. Their views consist of tashbeeh.

    The Ash'ariyah: They are the followers of Abu Hasan Al-Ash'ari, who was Mu'tazili. Then he left E'tizaal and adopted a way between E'tizaal and Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jama'ah. In his last age, he returned to the creed Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jama'ah and followed Imaam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal in his theories. But some of his followers still remain on the previous belief. They amplify the Attributes of Allaah and have belief similar to Al-Murji'ah. They are closest to Ahlus Sunnah among all astrayed sects.

    Al-Hulooliyah: Are those who believe that Allaah is in everything and is everywhere and vice versa

    An-Nawasib: They are the people who have enmity with Ahlul Bait, (Family of the Prophet Sala Allahu Alaihi wa sallam) and slander them and consider them disbelievers. They are the opponents of the Rawafid.

    Al-Kullabiyah: They are the followers of Abdullah Ibn Sayeed Ibn Kullab. They believed that Attributes of Allaah are not for him, not for others. They say that Names of Allaah are that same as His Attributes. They do not differ between Attributes of Actions of Allaah.

    The Mashabbiha: They are also called Al- Mujassimah They are the opponents of the Al-Jahmiyyah in affirmation of Names and Attributes of Allaah. They believe that Allaah possessed hand similar to the hand of creatures, Hearing as the hearing of creatures, sight as the sight of creatures etc. Exalted is Allaah from that which the wrongdoers say about Him. He is High and Great.

    Al-Wa'eediyah: They are the same as Qadariyyah in the implementation of Wa'eed. They believe that if a person committing the major sin, dies without repentance, he will be in the Hellfire forever. The reason for that is that Allaah has promised the sinners to h**l and Doom And He never breaks His Promise.

    Al Jabariyah: They are Al Jahmiyah And all those people who follow them. Their belief is that slaves (worshippers of Allaah) have no will power to do good deeds and avoid bad. They enforced to do all. Therefore, they are opponents of Al-Qadariyah

    Soofism: A mystical belief that has its influence from paganism. The soofees have introduced many acts of shirk into the Muslim Ummah such as taking the graves as places of worship, praying to 'saints', taking others as intercessors with Allaah and many other astray innovations. They Also Claim to be Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jama'ah which is not true.

  9. majority of people think they are right ! majoriy of people are certain Prophet Muhammed Deviated Glorious Quran..

    the simplest among the simplest,not a mutashabeha verse ..a crystal clear verse....which people dont agree with

    [37:35] When they were told, "Laa Elaaha Ella Allah," they turned arrogant.

    Alhamdolillahe VERY TRUE....people turn arrogant

  10. Just LIke Sharab and Adultry Is haram ! But PPl still do it ! Innit ? !!

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