
If several cars are following and stalking you what is the best method to use to get license plate numbers

by Guest55720  |  earlier

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  1. turn around memerize it and run somewhere that the cars cant go

  2. Perhaps a pen and a piece of paper?

  3. Unless you have eyes in the back of you head, hit the gas and leave them.

  4. umm...go into a buliding have them follow you n sneek out n get the number..idk

  5. I'd have my psychiatrist follow them.

  6. Pull over off to the side, park and get out and just start shooting at them.

  7. use your eyes...then remember them...

  8. Ehh, try to get pictures on your mobile?

    Sorry if I'm no help.

  9. camera

  10. Look at the plates and write down the numbers.  

  11. Pull over and let them pass you.

  12. If they are following really can't get their license plate number now can you?

    If someone is following you, drive to closest police station.

  13. If someone is stalking you, do not go home or to work, because then they'll know where you live/work. If you're on a deserted or low-populated road, do not pull off to get the license plate numbers, because they might not pass by and instead harm you, and no one will be around to help. I would pull into a police station, which might scare the stalker off. Another option would be to pull over on a busy road and copy down the license plate number and/or take a picture of it.

  14. IF THEY ARE STALKING YOU wouldn't it be convenient to use only one car why you said here several cars? Who are you the President of the United States?

    Use your side mirrors the left and the right. Jotting them down as you cruise along the road. BUT DONOT WASTE time getting the numbers they are obviously fake plate numbers, remember they are stalking you so therefore they use fake or not the real plate numbers stolen from another car to mislead you. So what is the used getting the plate numbers for?  

  15. The h**l with liscense plate numbers you better get dogs & guns & probably some smoke bombs, a few of those ear popping eye blinding light& sound defense devices and hmmm a moat around your house with safty ninjas gaurding you from the rooftop.

    I have heard of people disappearing lately for no apperent reason. The government seems to not know anything about it but I know, "they are watching us." Recent information has lead us to suspect the matrix has been cloanning us for years and we are now haveing flashbacks of our former lives.

  16. Just pull over and park. Then when they pass , you can take their numbers down.....if you think you should.Failing that just ignore them, as they are all possibly men and they like to act stupid as they have nothing else better to do.

  17. A decent quality camera.  Take pictures and read the license plates off of the photos.

  18. The best advice is to continue to safe, well lit and populated area. Do not drive home or to family/friends.  If the police or fire station is close by, go directly there or to a gas station where there is an attendant on duty. Keep paper and pen handy at all times and write down plates, color/make/model or type of car and description of driver and other occupants. Also note date/time and location.

    If you feel that you are being followed, report it to police. Why wait?  Take whatever you information you have, even if you don't think it's enough and tell the police. They may already be aware of complaints from other people and you may be able to provide a vital piece of the puzzle.

    If you travel at night regularly, have an arrangement where you call a friend or neighbor when you get home.

    Whatever you choose to do, do not keep silent; tell someone.

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