
If s*x offenders are pushed out of every neighbourhood...?

by  |  earlier

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...then where would they go? Moreover, what's the point of sending them into jail to repent and change if we're not going to give them the opportunity to do so when they come back out? This isn't just even about s*x offenders... criminals in general.




  1. You are talking about rehabilitation that normally works for a while.  Humans will fall back into their own dirt always.  It's just how deep and if they can  climb back out of it again, and to what degree they allow themself to fall.  If it's calmed to just thought, then its just a gutter.  If it's a ditch how deep, and how many more lives will be affected until they can be rehabilitaed again?  We are talking about moral issues that affect everyone.  Emotion is fueled by the human soul.  Where the fuel comes from is the question needed to be answered.  When you have children, I suggest you find the s*x offender list, pick a few out and ask them to babysit as long as they have papers saying they have been rehabilitated.

  2. I understand your point but you have to understand that my first and foremost priority is protecting my children.  I don't want one in my neighborhood, although the sad truth is that they are everywhere.  Have you ever pulled up one of those maps?  It is scary.  I just have rules as to where my kids can play (backyard only---only in the front under my supervision) and who they can play with, and have instilled the fear of stranger danger in them.  Unfortunately that is the world we live in.

  3. Punishment in the penal system was designed to be a deterrent to crime. As you and millions of others have seen it was a big failure! Society is in a desperate need for healing  not pain and disease. As long as society refers to the elements of human nature then we will never see improvement in the quality of mankind.

  4. People with children have the right to know whether or not they are sharing their neighborhoods with sexual predators. The problem isn't with people knowing, but how little planning goes into their release. They are unleashed on the population with the same amount of indifference as other criminals and told to contact their PO, get on the registry and go about their lives. With the advent of the Internet people can easily find out where the predators live and harass them, which they are not lawfully allowed to do.

    Since you're under the supposition that sexual predators can be rehabilitated (I do not believe they can), it would stand to reason that more should be done when they are about to be released in order to ensure they have a shot at staying out of jail.

    BTW: I worked with pedophiles as a offender case manager and I can assure you that nearly 90% of my case load went on to commit more crimes and go back to jail. The other 10% did too, but they managed NOT TO GET CAUGHT YET.

  5. Build the prisons out in the middle of the desert and let the murderers, rapist and child molesters rot.

    There is no rehabilitation for these people.

  6. In the first place, studies have proven that s*x offenders DO NOT change LONG term. you can give them therapy or shots or whatever..but 90% will re offend within hours of getting out of jail. As a parent of a child who was "molested", and also as a women who has been raped, I don't want them anywhere near me or my family. I think they should have to stay in jail FOREVER.. there is a special place in h**l for people like that.. (and no, I don't believe the c**p about I was born with impulses I can't control).  It's hard enough to live every day and not be scared to step outside your house for fear someone will kill you, mug you, etc. now we have to worry about what that sick pervert next door or down the block will do to us/our kids.. They may need somewhere to go so let them all build a little "sect/commune" way out in the country and let all of them come together and talk about how they are REFORMED.. BS.

  7. Yes, I understand what you're saying, and I've thought about it myself.  I remember reading an article a little while ago about how a group of s*x offenders in Miami (I think it was Miami) made themselves a little temporary shelter under a bridge.  It had rooms, a couch, TV, generator and everything.  The rules about where they could and couldn't live were so strict they couldn't find a real place to live.  So homelessness is the result.

    It's true they have paid their debt to society.  But when they come out they are rarely rehabilitated.  And no one wants to risk their children around someone to see if they've changed.  And as much as I feel badly for these people, I don't want to take the risk either.

  8. under bridges like they do in Florida. seriously the laws are so strict in Florida that s*x offenders live under bridges in tents because there is no legal place for them to live.

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