
If she cheated on you and then said to go to an escort to even things up ?

by Guest44823  |  earlier

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my wife cheated on me and then asked for me to go to an escort to even things up. i said no of couse but that was a while ago, and now i am considering it, what should i do, she still keeps insisting i do it!!!!




  1. You are the luckiest man. A wife is actually letting you go out and have an affair. Man i wish i were in your shoes.

    Go ahead and do it. You won't regret it. It's like you have a passport to cheat.

  2. You should divorce your wife!!

    She has absolutely no morals!!  What a s**t!!

  3. two wrongs don't make a right. remember that! it would just ruin your marriage further. possibly even break it. the best thing to do it to just tell her you did it. play a little practical joke on her.... take a piece of paper. write a letter to your wife saying that "i told you that i had s*x with an escort coz i just wanted you to know how it feels. but i'm not doing it this time. next time you s***w up, i won't wait for you to tell me to do an escort. i'll find me a nice and intelligent galfriend instead. but i hope things won't come to that because i love you"... remember to put time and date on the letter.

    then put this paper in an envelope and put it somewhere secret. make sure your wife doesn't reach it. next day tell your wife you've thought about her offer to have s*x with an escort and that you want to do it. then spend a relaxing evening having fun with your buddies. come back next morning or very very late that night. and act like you've had the best s*x of your life with an escort. if your wife asks details tell her you don't want to tell her anything. let your wife think you had s*x with an escort for 3 days. if that doesn't teach her a lesson extend it to 7 days. when she tells you crying how bad it feels, make sure she has learned her lesson and then tell her the truth. and show her that letter as a proof. that would teach her a life lesson. you don't have to fall to her level to teach her a lesson. you can rise above her and this will make her love you and respect you more than ever, good luck.  

  4. "I have morals that are in the gutter. So....bring yours down here with mine and we'll be even".

    Try looking at it from that respect.

    Oh....besides....she got a high hard one (probably more than once) from another guy for nothing. Didn't cost a dime. Think an escort will put out gratis?

  5. If you do this you're just going to make the situation worse. You need to focus on why your wife thinks it's okay to sling it all over town when she's married and get to the bottom of that instead. When you go to an escort, she's going to think you're just doing trade offs and she's going to cheat on you again. She probably will anyway...  

  6. Sounds like she needs to grow up, just because she has the morals of an alley cat, doesn't mean you have to also.

    Don't lower yourself & your morals to her level, two wrongs don't make a right !

    Good Luck. X :-)

  7. No, you shouldn't go to the escort service. She's trying to relieve her guilt by having you cheat also. It will continue to haunt your marriage if you go.

  8. Even children in kindergarten know, "Two wrongs don't make a right."

    I suspect your wife wants to bring you down to her level to alleviate her own guilt.  Please, take the moral high ground on this, and be an example to your wife.

  9. Tell her as much as you would love too, you can't forget your vows of faithfulness, and sink to her level.  She can't "permit" you this just to vanish her guilt.   She can say sorry and mean it and that will be enough for you.  But never mention the slip she made again!

  10. Sounds like she wants to be able to make you feel like the no-good cheater she is, dont fall for it.

  11. That is ridiculous.  2 wrongs don't make a right.  Very immature.  It also sounds like she would enjoy the whole escort thing a bit too much.

  12. she's trying to "even the score", so that her guilt goes away.  only problems are 1.  her guilt won't go away 2.  she's going to start feeling jealous of you with another woman 3.  by going to an escort, you are breaking the law and exposing yourself and she to STDs.  

    do not consider this.  if your wife keeps insisting upon it, you might want to tell her to grow up.  i would also wonder if she is continuing to cheat on you, and that is her way of justifying it.  you and she need some counseling and she needs to stop insisting on this ridiculous request.  if she does not agree to counseling...the writing is on the wall and you should start to consult with divorce lawyers.

  13. She is turning it all around on you. Be smarter than she is. Why would you stoop to such nastiness? That will not make it even.

    What about honesty and love and commitment?

    What about STD's,  HIV and no real woman will want a man that does escorts( Even your wife.)?

  14. Call her bluff and do it!

  15. 2 wrongs don't make a right.  

    However, just to play with her head a little, go find the most expensive escort service you can get (I'm talking thousands here, for one night) and say "I've found the right one for me, but you'll have to pay for it.  It's only fair". Just watch her go pale at the thought of having to cough up the bucks.  That may make you feel better.

  16. She feels like a w***e (because she is one) and the only way she can stop the guilt is by letting you cheat with her approval. So that makes her a selfish w***e. And once this ball gets rolling there's no stopping it. Then she'll s***w whomever she pleases and tell you to take some money and buy a hooker. Really, that's not the same anyway. She's not paying her lover, which makes it more personal. I'd say lose the s**t before she ruins you altogether.

  17. tell her to grow up - just because she did the wrong thing does not mean you have too.

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